Among the areas that make these disciplines can include those for power management, food science and nutrition, laundry and linen, cleaning and waste, telephony, security and prevention, and in general, all those non-healthcare services that are developed in the health of our country.
Among the most common hazards in the hospitality sector we can highlight those caused by working tools, which cause cuts and amputations.
That is why in the seminar held recently, addressed various issues: design and planning of hospital diets, Quality and Food Safety ... and could not miss the Prevention of Occupational Risks in hospital catering staff.
The hotel is a large field hospital work in which are a large number of workers and therefore the possibility of occupational risk is great. Every worker of the hotel industry's main hospital should know that there are business risks in their work and the various preventive measures that exist to deal with it.
Both the employee and the employer should know and be aware that the lack of prevention in the workplace can lead to:
➠ Incident: is the event that no loss has occurred but under circumstances different, could have resulted in an accident. ➠
Accidents at work: is defined as bodily injury that the worker is in connection with or in consequence of the work you do for others. ➠
Occupational disease: is the disease contracted as a result of work performed for others, in activities specified in the patterns of disease (...) and is caused by the action of the elements or substances in the table showing .
Among the most common hazards in the hospitality sector we can highlight those caused by working tools, which cause cuts and amputations, burns, risks electrical, falls, caused by chemical, physical and biological, fire, manual handling of loads, ... mostly.
Burns are one of the injuries that most often the hospitality workers, these burns may be caused by contact with hot objects or gases: fryers, cookware, ovens, grills, tableware ovens, fires, fumes ... To avoid this type of injury so painful and annoying, the worker must follow the following preventive measures:
➠ Do not fill containers to the top. Orient ➠
handles of pots, pans, ... into the kitchen. ➠
Making the change of cold oil. ➠
No dishes in the oven is not indicated specifically to heat food. ➠
Check thermostats of different appliances (deep fryer, oven ,...) before introducing food. ➠
avoid being overwhelmed by checking in advance levels. Check ➠
working equipment and utensils have the required CE. ➠
use in food preparation utensils properly sized
➠ Use appropriate tools for the transport of heat, warning of its path. ➠
Clean oil residue near the fryers. ➠
Clean ovens following the instructions. ➠
Use personal protective equipment (mitts, aprons, screens, goggles, gloves, ...) with CE marking and following directions of work procedure. ➠ Use
work clothes appropriate to the type of work performed (non-slip soles, aprons, hats, long sleeves, ...).
cutting edge of tools with movable guards or interlocking guards regular or retractable.
➠ Maintain all perfectly sharp cutting material. Use a knife ➠
appropriate to each task. ➠
Transport and store knives in their respective locations. ➠
handles knives must be slipping. ➠
should use the material cutting those workers designated to perform such work.
food is cut on the areas referred to it.
➠ The worker must have the proper protective equipment to work and make proper use.
Incorrect manual handling of loads can cause serious injury to the worker in the body. Studies of Mutual of Prevention, a quarter of all accidents are caused by incorrect handling of loads (due to the lifting and handling of them), to avoid this type of risk workers should perform the following preventive measures:
- use mechanical means (fork, ...).
- Try to take the load between two people and never just one person.
- Use of appropriate remedies.
machines according to the manufacturer's instructions. ➠
Take care when handling machinery. ➠
Wear appropriate work clothes.
➠ Each machine will be used to perform the work for which it was designed. ➠
The machines should be handled by the staff assigned to do the job.
➠ The worker who handled the machinery shall be informed of the dangers at once to be formed for their management. ➠
should be protected from the cutting machines with movable guards or adjustable suitable for it. ➠
All machinery and equipment should be CE marked.
Falls are one of the most common incidents. Falls can occur in different ways: falls in the same plane or falls from heights.
Electrical hazards pose a challenge to prevent risks such as electricity can not see, smell, ... so the best prevention against this type of risk is to avoid contact with the various electric elements, while these elements are indicated correctly. Electrical discharges occur in different types of worker injuries: burns, respiratory failure, atrial ...
The chemicals can cause various types of damage as they may be inhaled, ingested or when coming into contact with the skin of the worker. To avoid this series of injuries is important that the worker performs the following recommendations:
➠ The worker must know and correctly use the different products that normally work. ➠
Containers must be kept closed and properly stored. ➠
Never mix different chemicals. ➠
must be used correctly protective equipment, masks, gloves, aprons, goggles, ...
physical agents can cause damage to the health of workers. Within the world of hospitality could include: the noise produced by various physical changes in the worker (dizziness, deafness, headache, ...) and even psychic, radiation, temperature, lack of ventilation (it is important that the kitchen there is adequate ventilation) improper lighting (proper lighting makes the establishment workers are more comfortable and require less effort to perform their functions, and thus avoids the possibility of having an accident.)
most common biological agents are viruses, microbes and parasites. Therefore it is important to avoid this risk, maintain proper hygienic condition of the facility and workers. We therefore use the appropriate protective equipment for each type of work, and wounds should be properly protected. It is important at this point that the hotel worker pay particular attention to hygiene personal as it can cause contamination of food through the clothes and even the workers' movement itself: the clothes it carries between 1-10 million germs / cm.; hair 1 million germs / cm.; hands between 100 - 1000 germs / cm. ... There are several regulations in this regard: 29/09/1997 DM, Regulation 852/2004, the Codex Alimentarius, ... Article 27 and 28 of the Ministerial Decree of 29 / 09/1997 makes some provisions relating to staff: In order to avoid any contamination by the staff, every person working in a food handling area must observe high standards of personal cleanliness and clothing clean and suitable work. With the exception of the range, this will be light-colored clothing and includes in particular the work reserved shoes, hat covering the hair. The uniform must include, if necessary, a mask and gloves buconasal a single use, controlled use. The head of an institution should take steps for any other person for any reason whatsoever, shall enter the premises where food is prepared, treated or processed food products does not constitute a source of contamination to the products or environment (art. 27), and Article 28: does not authorize any person who has an officially disease likely to be transmitted through food to work in an area of \u200b\u200bhandling of food products, for whatever reason, since there is indeed a risk of direct or indirect contamination of food pathogens, (...).
is important that the hotel worker pay special attention to personal hygiene as it can cause contamination of food through the clothes.
When the worker comes to your workplace should change clothes. In everyday clothes closets should never be in contact with work clothes and work clothes clean and dirty. The employer shall train employees as to the manner and order to put his work clothes, so if carried mask, you must get it before the Charlotte, and Charlotte before washing their hands, which takes place before wear gloves and / or handling food ... Once the worker is dressed in work clothes, you can access directly to the workplace might not be defiled by passing through a room, offices, warehouses, or foreign ... the building. Paul
Carmela Hernandez, technical Occupational Health and Safety
Strengthening the Quality of Life of its Associates.
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