ANETVA has published several articles concerning the nature of the activity of vertical work, its regulatory framework, typology, contents etc., In order to promote and disseminate such activity. On this occasion, the intention is to discuss another important issue for the development of vertical works: prevention and safety in this activity.
are more than 15 years that has established ANETVA and publicizing the activity, and almost four since the appearance of RD 2177/2004 on the use of computers to perform temporary work at height, implying that no vertical works are now a novelty in our country but still a lot unknown from the point of view of prevention of occupational hazards.
Needless to say, work for companies in vertical occupational risk prevention, and within this specific risk assessment is an essential tool determines that such work can be executed, the indicated and established by same as the work is safe, as indicated by the provision 4.1.3 of RD 2177/2004.
It is therefore necessary condition for vertical work companies have a business risk assessment to determine their safety. Logically, and as content, so you can establish that the work is vertical sure, it is necessary for risk assessment of the job is done correctly. This requires that the same be collected measures that seek to avoid the causes behind the main risk of the activity, and that is none other than the drop height at different levels.
Other times it happens that identifies itself in assessing the risks of vertical job, but there are not what are the preventive and corrective measures must be taken into account to avoid the causes that may cause the main risk inherent in the activity. That is, identifying the high risk of falling at different levels, are shown in terms of probability, severity, consequences, level, etc. And do not prescribe what preventive or remedial measures be implemented to avoid the causes that can cause high risk of falling.
In some cases there are some preventive or corrective measures that have a generic markup in the risk of falling at different levels, without referring to the vertical jobs. Sometimes referred to those related to scaffolds or scaffolds, ladders, or relating to the use of axle stands, railings, nets, etc. Sometimes they are said to be used and applied techniques are climbing out measures such as using seat belts, hooks, pulleys, etc.
1. The anchoring or fastening systems: installation, security measures to be applied, types, verification and control, etc.
2. Work and safety equipment. Relationship and identifying the same rules that must be met. Use and function.
3. Technical work by string or progression. They are implemented according to the work to be performed.
4. Standards for handling loads at height.
5. Working procedures and protocols to follow in implementing these techniques, since the work should be planned.
6. Adequate specific training that the worker should be vertical to implement access and positioning techniques using a rope.
7. Evacuation measures and rescue, emergency plan, etc.
8. Using tools in height. Attachment processes, security measures especially in the use of welding and cutting tools.
This is not an exhaustive list and that depending on the activity or task to run with vertical work assessment should include specific measures to prevent the causes that may lead to the risk.
Hoy en día se debe tener muy presente, desde el punto de vista de la prevención de riesgos laborales, que las empresas de trabajos verticales realizan multitud de tareas y actividades en altura. Esto implica que deben ser evaluadas individualmente porque, aparte del principal riesgo -caída de altura a distinto nivel- hay otros que, en función de la tarea, también pueden estar presentes.
También debe tenerse en cuenta, y ANETVA lo considera como un tema muy importante, que deben, desde el punto de vista de la prevención de riesgos laborales, analizarse también los factores de carácter ergonómico que influyen en la propia actividad de los trabajos verticales. Este es sin duda un tema importante en el que se should work and where ANETVA intended to be present to advise, assist or encourage the development of studies that analyze the different factors, from the point of view of ergonomics can help improve safety and health of workers vertical.
A factor or aspect in the activity of vertical work, which deals significantly with the safety and security, and in need of official recognition, or at least professional, is the vertical job training.
ANETVA been giving recognition to informal training in these techniques for over 9 years, but there must be an official recognition of the profession vertical worker. Not only for its own sake and that without training can not work in vertical work, but also a matter of image, if you will, of the activity itself, since workers are not vertical mountaineers, climbers, climbers, cavers, etc..
is not acceptable in any document, report writing, etc., That has to do with the work vertical vertical workers identify with these descriptions, and that nothing made a sport, nor the techniques are the same although they were the source.
Some may continue to have the profile itself, increasingly less-but we must not forget that are workers employed by a company, they have some obligations in the workplace, prevention and safety, etc., and must perform a task or job based on their knowledge union using a technique and equipment within the organization of that company. Should be discarded, therefore, the canard that companies feed vertical work of climbers and mountaineers, etc.
Furthermore, the existence of specific regulations, the development of technical security measures are required, the emergence of specific material and equipment, etc., Make, at little or no time to fall in line with these techniques which develop in the sport.
Today most firms engaged in vertical work prefer to hire professional trade or profession, who are taught the technique of vertical work. This may seem obvious to some is not, and still think that the companies have workers work at heights unprofessional, which use these techniques on your specialty, but who can not work, or their job, etc. Card
The tool has been using for over 7 years to pass the recognition of the occupation of workers vertical is issuing a professional license.
La herramienta que ANETVA lleva utilizando para el reconocimiento de la profesión de es la emisión de un carné profesional.
El objetivo de ANETVA es continuar y, en su medida, fomentar, la divulgación de este documento, así como su reconocimiento oficial, if possible, as it is a valid form of evidence that companies in both vertical meet mandatory training for their workers and, more importantly, keep updated this commitment.
The issuance of this card is based on training procedures ANETVA has adopted and applied in the partner companies. These training contents revolve around a central axis which is the "Manual Training Techniques of Vertical work (technical rope access and positioning) has edited the association, which has been recently updated.
These procedures set out the training in vertical work is divided into three professional levels, to which they relate a series of training content and were down a set of skills, abilities, obligations, etc.
The three levels are professionals recognized by ANETVA OF.-Basic level, the level OF.-II and level-III OF.. Besides, as a separate category for these professional standards ANETVA recognizes the figure of the 'monitor-trainer'. This figure has its recognition by ANETVA long as the person who holds an associate working on. That is, the only association accredited instructors-trainers in the partner companies, but not in others. In addition, there is a significant peculiarity about it is that they can only provide training to the staff of the partner, and not to third parties, unless the partner in question is a company whose primary business is providing training. In this case ANETVA recognize this company and accredited training and their instructors, trainers, if enabled by the association to train others. Today
ANETVA has officially recognized in Spain and five training centers are expected in a few dates this amount will be increased with the accreditation of two national centers, as well as the accreditation of two others in Portugal. David Cendal
Moreda, Director and manager of ANETVA (National Association of Vertical work).
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