THE PPE (personal protective equipment)
| The Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are a last resort to protect workers from the effects of one or more residual risks that may threaten their safety or health in the workplace. Priority is mandatory and apply technical and organizational means to eliminate the risks at source or to protect workers, through collective security arrangements, but when it is not possible to totally or partially or insufficient, requiring the selection and use of a or more PPE appropriate to the risk, and operator activity. By affixing the CE marking, the manufacturer declares that the PPE conforms to the provisions and health and safety requirements established by Royal Decree 1407/1992 of 20 November, which undertakes to provide an information booklet with each team most useful document for the selection and use, since should contain details of all its features, such as instructions and limitations on use, maintenance, cleaning, servicing, expiration, etc. Must be written in the language of the country that uses the EPI and its contents to be perfectly clear. The minimum requirements for PPE selection and use are set out in Royal Decree 773/1997 of 30 May, following the philosophy emanating from the Framework Directive to harmonize and standardize working conditions among the member countries of the EEC. In this way, we have developed 'Guidelines for the selection and use of PPE' by the Directorate General V of the EEC, with the active participation of Insh and four partner organizations Member States. |
The Insh Guide has published papers for each group of PPE, respiratory, eye, ear, helmets, fall, clothing, gloves and shoes, general and affordable to employers and workers, to facilitate dissemination the various professional sectors. Subsequently, the CEN Technical Committees have issued more elaborate documents, in addition to European Standards (EN) that are your responsibility. Currently have the following:
UNE 13464 CR: 1999 .- Guide for the selection, use and maintenance of eye and face protectors for professional use.
UNE EN 529: 2006 .- Respiratory protective devices. Recommendations on the selection, use, care and maintenance. Guide.
UNE EN 458: 1994 .- Hearing protectors, Recommendations for the selection, use and precautions for use and maintenance. Guidance document.
UNE EN 365: 2005 .- Personal protective equipment against falls from height, General requirements for instructions for use, maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking and packing.
CEN / TR 15321: 2006 .- Guidance for selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing. UNE
CEN / TR 14560:2004 .- Guide for the selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing against heat and flame.
CEN / TR 15419: 2006 .- Guidance for selection, use, care and maintenance of chemical protective clothing. UNE
CEN ISO / TR 18690:2006 .- Guide for the selection, use and maintenance of security and safety shoes at work.
Each of these guidance documents for its interesting content, deserves an article to discuss in detail the information and recommendations to understand. This article is intended only to publicize the existence of these guidelines and discuss, in summary form, subject matter covered, so people interested in their content is known and can go to the original document for details that wish to clarify.
Except for UNE EN 365 PPE against falls of all documents structure their content to inform and recommend, with greater or lesser detail, as noted in the title, that is, the process for the selection, use, care and maintenance of PPE concerned. Therefore, exposure beginning to discuss these common points, to then elaborate on the particularities of each of the guides.
common structure
guides All documents start with paragraphs of 'Object', 'Coverage', 'Listing Rules applicable', 'Terms and Definitions' and' Classification ',' types' or 'Levels of Protection PPE family. " In this way abstract and focus the reader on the subject.
Each of the guide develops the themes of 'selection', 'Use', 'Care and Maintenance of PPE protector' differently and believe that apart from the specific to each family of PPE, any Personal Protection Program (PPP) has some common patterns can be summarized in three steps: Define
EPI (see Table A) that begins with an analysis of hazards in the workplace or activity, are eliminated or reduced at source and evaluating risks are quantified, for each of them, the residual risk and its consequences. As a result we have defined characteristics and requirements to be met by the PPE to protect the operator.
TABLE A. - Typical process to define the necessary PPE.
Identify the PPE (see Table B): select among the PPE market that meet the defined requirements and analyzing the collected information (brochures, newsletters, samples, etc..), We consider, among other , ergonomics, activity, environment de trabajo y la compatibilidad con otros EPIs a utilizar conjuntamente. Este proceso nos permite elegir el EPI mas adecuado.
Implementar el EPI (ver Tabla C), debiendo informar e instruir a los usuarios respecto a la necesidad de la protección y las limitaciones del EPI antes de distribuirlo. Puede ser necesario un entrenamiento para verificación previa y durante el uso, También, salvo que sea un protector desechable, cuidados después del uso, inspecciones periódicas y mantenimiento preventivo, para asegurar su eficacia.
TABLA B.- Fase relativa a la identificación del EPI adecuado.
Tabla C.-Proceso de implantación EPI was chosen
The success of a PPP is that the user and / or their representatives are involved in stages, to avoid rejection because the PID is always easier to be a nuisance bear. The entire process should be documented, to verify its effectiveness and review phases, to correct deviations in the conditions and to incorporate technological advances. UNE
CR 13,464 (eye protectors)
Figure 1. Eye protection against mechanical hazards | This white paper is intended only as information and guidance for all types of protective eye face used against various hazards found in industry, commerce, laboratories etc. (See Figure 1), which can cause eye damage or alter the view, with the exception of ionizing radiation (X rays and low-temperature IR). includes a list of standards for protective eyewear for professional use, indicating the purpose and scope, and a summary of its contents. Describes the many complex risks that may affect the human eye and brings the dangers of mechanical, chemical and radiation. Details the sources of hazards, the severity of its effects and the exhibition ends with summary tables, with examples, the range of risks present in the workplace. Sort occupational eye protection under the field of use or application, depending on the design of the shield (universal frame glasses, full-rimmed glasses and displays) and according to the performance of the eye (optical class, filter, scratch-resistant and fog) and requirements from risks present during use. then more accurately details the categories of benefits of complete eye protection welding, laser and other applications, often referred to as "other use." eye protectors "other use" must meet certain basic requirements in relation to the eye (optical class, size, scattered light, optical quality and mechanical strength) and for full protection (increased resistance, aging, corrosion and burning) and particular requirements listed optional. Using a table summarizes this classification, which identifies performance by symbols marked on ocular and / or frame. Permitted uses include specifying whether mesh guards are either not available. |
basic requirements for eye protection against welding are described in EN 175 (dimensions, area coverage, robustness, resistance to wear and fall, reflectance, light attenuation, electrical insulation, maximum mass and resistance to combustion and corrosion). With regard to the filtering effects of the eye are classified by the degree of protection against UV radiation, visible and IR. These protectors can also be used against additional risks, in which case they are marked appropriately.
eye protectors against laser divides into two distinct categories based on the spectral band covering, limiting the work of setting a laser or laser systems (400 nm to 700 nm) and whose general requirements are covered by the EN 208.
The choice of adequate and appropriate eye protection is of great interest, since a wrong choice can cause the user from simple discomfort to the total loss of vision. It follows a systematic and detailed that I recommend talking to those who have this responsibility.
care and maintenance is also interesting and the paper concludes with recommended guidelines that are required to plan a program to prevent eyepiece.
UNE EN 529 (Respiratory Protection)
hazardous substances such as powders, fibers, fumes, gases, microorganisms, radioactive particles and gases present in the workplace of work or lack of oxygen, can cause significant health damage, not only through inhalation, dermal exposure also will be comments on the standards of protective clothing.
The standard provides recommendations for best practice to establish and implement a Respiratory Protection Program (RPP) and excludes the appropriate equipment used in diving and in pressures above and below atmospheric pressure.
After defining terms that apply in the document, generally classified Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) in:
Figure 2. Dependent respiratory protection the environment (filtering).
Filter (see Figure 2), which purify the ambient air to be able to breathe using filters to remove contaminants from the air, while these do not exceed a modest level and with the certainty that the atmosphere is not oxygen deficient .
Insulation (see Figure 3), which provides the user with breathing air (eg air) or breathable gas (eg compressed oxygen or chemical) of an uncontaminated source.
Figure 3. Respiratory protection independent of the environment, by ERA.
An important component of the EPR are facial adapters, leading the breathing air or gas uncontaminated respiratory and isolated environment. To distinguish between tight facepiece (mask, masks and mouthpieces) and not hermetic (hoods, helmets, screens, etc.) As protection against the entry of pollutants, is based on the excess flow of air that flows from the EPR. Annex A provides precise details of the various protective equipment, rules that specify the requirements, characteristics, applications, essays, and marked limitations. I point out that besides the EPR used in those activities where respiratory hazards are present, ie for work, performance claims and / or rescue, EPR has been developed specifically for the evacuation and rescue (see Figure 4), applicable in industry, fire, mines, etc. for personal use in an emergency and to reach the safe zone. The development of a PPR is detailed and lengthy. I recommend to read and follow both define and document the policy, as in the risk assessment process, selection of appropriate EPR and its adaptation to working environment, task and user. I wish to highlight the recommendations for the use, operation, instruction and training of users and the proper maintenance of EPR to ensure it retains its protective properties. I can not but express my congratulations to the Technical Committee CEN / TC 79, which plays DIN Secretariat for the content of this document and the success and interest of the informative annexes whose title I will explain below. Annex A: Types and components of respiratory protective equipment. Annex B: Atmospheres Immediately Dangerous to Health and Life (AIPSV). Appendix C: Factors for the Protection of EPR. Appendix D: Adjustment factors for the evaluation of the EPR. Appendix E: Assessing the Adjustment of a tight-fitting Facepiece. Annex F: Respiratory Protection for Passport users. The paper concludes with a complete list of literature on the subject. | Figure 4. Respiratory protection for fire evacuation and rescue. |
UNE EN 365 (Fall Protection)
For security reasons it is vital that staff intends to use PPE or other equipment to control the potential risks associated with access falling, climbing and working at height, know how to use them properly. The document specifies the minimum general requirements for instructions use, maintenance, periodic examination, repair, marking and packing of PPE, including a gripping device body (see Figure 5) and other equipment used in conjunction with it, to prevent falls, provide access and subjection output in the workplace, to stop the fall and rescue.
The instructions, which should accompany the PPE should be clear, legible and unambiguous and contain adequate detail, supplemented, if necessary, with schemes to correct and safe use. This section is detailed, almost exhausting the alphabet, what to include on this issue the prospectus.
Maintenance instructions should include:
cleaning procedures, including disinfection, where applicable.
warning advising that if the computer gets wet, even when cleaning, should be dried naturally, without using direct heat.
stored procedures, including preventive requirements necessary in case the environment or other factors may affect the components
Any other procedure or appropriate warning, eg lubrication.
Figure 5. Gripper body harness, a staff component of protection from falls.
The instructions for regular periodic reviews, since the safety of users depends on the continued effectiveness and durability of the team, having noted the frequency and need to be made by qualified personnel and according to directions and if the EPI is complex, make the manufacturer or authorized personnel.
repairs are allowed only those authorized by the manufacturer and strictly following the procedure described in the road inductions.
document actions are recommended, taking a tab for each component, subsystem and system (see Figure 6) that allow identification and can record the transactions.
Figure 6. Sheet model for control of PPE against falls.
UNE EN 458 (Hearing Protection)
hearing protectors are PPE due to its properties for sound attenuation, reduce the harmful effects of noise on hearing to avoid hearing damage. We are facing an important document for people to be supplying, buying or wearing hearing protection, providing guidelines for proper selection, use, precautions for use and maintenance of hearing protectors (see Figure 7). then defines terms that apply in the document and describes the types of principal protection, grouped en: Protectores auditivos pasivos, que tienen la función particular o característica de reducir el ruido por su diseño y conforme al material utilizado, por absorción o por reflexión del sonido, sin usar ningún otro mecanismo. El diseño corresponde a orejera o tapón con diversas configuraciones según la aplicación. Protectores auditivos activos, que disponen del mismo diseño básico que los pasivos, pero incorporan funciones adicionales, de índole mecánica o electrónica. | Figura 7. Protección auditiva mediante orejeras pasivas |
Como paso previo a iniciar Hearing Protection Program (PPP) is necessary to make a complex analysis of the level of noise in the workplace and determine their levels and characteristics, through appropriate sampling. This work should be carried out specialists who also provide advice on eliminating or reducing, potential technical limits, the noise at source and define whether it is appropriate to provide periodic medical surveillance of the personnel concerned to verify the effectiveness of the PPA.
The selection of appropriate protective order to mitigate the residual noise is not easy because it must take into account general factors of comfort, work environment, activity, possible disruptions medical and compatibility with other PPE, other than the effectiveness of protective suit and other regulatory requirements regarding the safety of the user such as ability to communicate or hear warning signals or danger. All these aspects are discussed in detail due to in paragraph 5 of the document, which often appeals to the annexes in the selection methods for calculating weighted sound level in the user's ear, according to the level and characteristics of the noise present .
hearing protectors, to be effective, must be worn at all times in places where there are harmful levels of noise. The off guard, even for a short space of time, decrease the attenuation and effective protection, apart from causing irreversible and cumulative damage your hearing. (See Figure 8).
Figure 8. Diagram for the loss of protective efficacy of a function of time is not used
is also important to the maintenance and cleaning of the guard, when this is not disposable, to remain effective mitigation and for hygienic reasons, mainly from contamination by foreign matter that may cause irritation or skin abrasions. The periodic inspection and replacement of components must be established in the PPA.
Annexes consider important list, because they contain the methods to the selection of suitable hearing protectors.
Annex A (normative): Methods for acoustic attenuation of hearing protection in relation to the level of the weighted equivalent continuous sound pressure A. Applicable to passive protection.
Annex B (informative): Evaluation method of sound attenuation of hearing protection to impulse noise. Applicable to earmuffs and earplugs, with restoration or noise reduction (ANR).
Annex C (informative): Method for selection of ear plugs and level-dependent active restoration of the noise, using data L. HM
Annex D (informative): Method of selection for earmuffs and plugs with active noise reduction.
Annex E (Informative): Method for hearing screening with audio.
also consider it necessary to note that this document is prior to the issuance of the noise directive, which has entered new levels of performance and trust that in the near future be changed to the corresponding changes in the rules.
UNE-CEN/TR 14,560 (Costumes against heat and flames)
The guide aims to help employers or persons responsible for advise them to take the necessary decisions regarding the selection, use, care and maintenance of protective clothing used by employees exposed to risks related to the heat and flames (eg welding, firefighting) (see Figure 9). The paper seeks to highlight those areas that must be taken into account, using lists of recommendations, while not an exhaustive.
After defining terms for the document describes the selection process divided into several parts, briefly, to comment on.
risk assessment, noting that there are several models to assess the risk level associated with the activities undertaken, some of them are listed in Annex B.
Defining the level of protection required, pursuant to parts of the body to protect, the rules contain requirements and determining appropriate security levels for each component of the EPI. Annex C provides examples of hazards and standards.
information that exists in the market regarding products, rates of pay, brochures, similar activities that used clothing or protective clothing and compatibility with other PPE that are required to use together.
tests with users, to ensure compatibility and ergonomic adjustment according to the morphology of the users. Tests obey a systematic procedure to determine: ease of use and adjustments, comfort, maintenance, protection and support to carry out movements.
Additional tests, if applicable, eg dummy instrumented, laboratory tests after washing / cleaning, decontamination, aging etc.
Other considerations to provide an overall assessment of the wardrobe and its cost, taking into account eg by including personal training and instruction to users and the extent of after-sales service in terms of cleaning, decontamination, repair, etc.
The correct use of the article implies that users, before using protective clothing, are informed and educated about the protection capabilities and limitations of protective clothing and the need to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding cleaning and decontamination, if appropriate, especially flammable liquids or substances that may ignite spontaneously.
The document reiterates that it is advisable to have comprehensive management of protective clothing and, therefore, document and keep track of the items from the supply to the waste, saying they should include these records. Similarly, it is set inspections of protective clothing, to evaluate their integrity and efficiency to risk and allow for continuity in service.
The document includes, in section 5, general recommendations for care of protective clothing, good practices for cleaning, decontamination and storage, taking into account that in the prospectus specified in detail these operations relating to selected garment or garments.
In paragraph 6, details the operations performed to correct maintenance of protective clothing, including criteria for the inspection schedule, repair and modification permissible, all constituting a structured plan that's right the type of clothing.
Note: CEN / TR 15321 follows the same structure as the commentary and even contains the same sections, but its content deals with protective clothing in its most general sense. Against the standard CEN / TR 15419 I do not have the draft, but I believe the content will be similar to the above, but will contain specific recommendations for the chemical protective clothing. Are recent standards have not yet been translated by AENOR.
Figure 9. Protective clothing for fire fighting (fire)
UNE-CEN ISO / TR 18690 IN (protective footwear)
I should note that the protection of the feet is a complex issue and therefore not mastered will be brief in this exhibition. The document classifies as the shoes I made Code leather and other materials and the Code II consists of all or any polymeric rubber. Figure 10 shows a pattern of low or ankle boot indicating the name of its parts.
in paragraph 5 is broken down by categories Marked: safety shoes, protective and working, all for professional use, detailing basic and additional requirements by the symbols tables and categories that identify their features and applications .
Paragraph 6 describes the process for the selection and provides tables to help in risk assessment and to consider recommendations regarding ergonomics and comfort.
The use of protective footwear, paragraph 7, describes in detail the necessary protection for the various hazards will mechanical, chemical, microbiological, electrical or equipment used in harsh environments (hot or cold), and other specific applications.
The paper concludes with recommendations for maintenance, including guidelines for the inspection before and after use, cleaning, care and timely replacement when it has reduced its protective efficacy. Concluding Remarks
I would note at the literature I have published articles based some of these guidelines, for those who require more detailed information and can not have the required standard. Meeting
missing for protection Guide head and I checked that is not under development and not even planned in the future, as the Technical Committee CEN / TC 158 states that the standards issued and included in his title to their intended application. Do not consider it necessary to further recommendations for the selection.
Another information gap on the theme above, could correspond to the protection of the hands, the responsibility belongs to the same Technical Committee CEN / TC 162 that takes care of protective clothing. In the CEN / TR 15321 is mentioned only protective clothing in general, but does not include hand and arm protection. Again, the guide for protective clothing against heat and flames, nor of chemical clothing, gloves mentioned. I think it would be useful to have specific guidance for these EPIs. Bibliography
UNE Rules specified, updated courtesy of ASEPAL.
'basic eye protection "article in the No. 44 of' New Protection '.
'UNE EN 529: New Guidelines for EPR's article in No. 16 of' Occupational Risk. "
'Apply ?....¡ Noise UNE EN 458!': Article No. 92 of 'Occupational Safety Training. "
English Figures courtesy of MSA.
Piqué. Industrial PhD
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