Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Kisssong From Penelope

WORKING PROCEDURES, an unavoidable step to effectively reduce


The Law 54/2003 of 12 December, regulatory reform of the Occupational Health and Safety provides that for integrating prevention into the overall management system companies must establish and implement a Plan for Prevention of Occupational Risks. Among the minimum content that must have the Prevention Plan include procedures and processes necessary to perform the action for the prevention of risks in the company. No one is surprised hear about "Working Procedure or Instructions" as a tool to ensure a strict minimum when carrying out the process or work involving complex and dangerous. However, it is difficult to understand why have not yet developed the legal criteria for their establishment, being necessary to resort once again to seek international "prestige."

serve as an example the "RD 2177/2004, on temporary work at height" which can be considered relatively recent. Even so, it the less surprising that there is no reference at any time the term "working procedures or work instructions, if we consider that the current management systems of prevention are based on the procedimentación as one of its basic tools management.
We consider that specific procedures are a useful and practical tool that can provide the "preventive resources" to carry out their duties as such to enable them to have an evidence base stating the specific form of an activity or process on be able to make decisions relating to working conditions be monitored and controlled.
The existing legal vacuum is obvious, which is why the Department of Vertical Technology Consulting is to provide some clarity on the criteria to follow when developing the specific work procedures allowing the development of work at height and confined spaces in maximum security conditions on the basis of the procedures are considered to support documentary Management System Occupational Health and Safety.

Specific procedures for work at height
A procedure is a sequential and systematic way of doing things more important for a process or work. The objective we propose is to describe in detail the method to carry out correctly and sequential (step by step from beginning to end) activities in height so as to avoid the occurrence of errors in its execution. That is, we can consider that these standard operating procedures or work instructions are essential for the proper conduct of business with high potential risk of falling at different levels.
specific work procedures should be a useful tool to achieve the following objectives: Establish

on security obligations to be fulfilled by workers, as well as control measures on the most critical work.

Set benchmarks to train and orient new workers in the absence of legal standards governing the training.

complement the instructions given by middle management.

facilitate awareness of workers to be involved in the development of work patterns that they have to perform.

facilitate obtaining the expected level of performance and investigating accidents and incidents, if they occur.

Department Vertical Technology Consulting is committed to the "Work Instructions" simple Clear, concise, and includes protection means collectively or individually to be used for each activity.
The structure of a specific type for work at height should be as follows:
1. Title
object 3. The extent or scope
Definitions 5. Legal and regulatory references
6. Responsibilities
7. Protective equipment
Development Procedure 9. Specific human and material resources
10. Training and information to workers
11. Control application of the procedure
12. Annexes

involvement and participation of people working in the activities is key to the document will not be alien and because its acceptance will be essential in implementing them.

sequence suggested by the Department of Vertical Technology Consulting to develop a standard operating procedure:

identify the workers and places critical in that any of the following:

are performed at an equal or higher at 2 m. above a lower level than the worker may fall.
are made at a depth less than 2 m. with respect to the level where the employee agrees.
Those which are used ladders to access, down or positioned to perform the work over 3.5 meters.
are made at heights or depths less than the above, but internal company criteria

analyzed the sequences that make up the job.
establish corrective measures and controls at each case in accordance with the recommendations for the teams not to mention the experience of workers.
identify and evaluate the risks associated with the different steps in dividing the work.
describe how to perform the work in detail, highlighting the aspects or parts of the task which is necessary to pay special attention because of the implications for security may pose.

short, in the development of a specific work procedure must take into account the following aspects:
➠ be simple. ➠
Include the requirements of reference standard (OHSAS 18001:1999, LPRL). ➠
include critical activities of the process it describes. ➠
include the roles, responsibilities and information referenced.

➠ Be prepared with the participation of those who carry out the process. ➠
be applied in a short time. ➠
be adjusted after implementation.

not forget that, despite the company can opt for management methods of prevention, in which a large part of the task falls to an external specialist company (external prevention services or Societies Prevention), this should not be construed as a "handover." This is so true preventive role remains with the company must ensure the implementation of all aspects contained in the Prevention Plan.

These aspects particularly relevant taking the "Working Procedures" since they really are the practical results of the entire system of prevention management applicable in developing everyday tasks to be performed by workers.
Department Vertical Technology Consulting, based on experience gained after several years in counseling and training to different customers, along with a thorough knowledge of equipment and fall arrest systems, restraint and rescue, etc.. has developed a series of guidelines to follow in developing work procedures or instructions techniques.

Technology Consulting Department




APESSLA Strengthening the Quality of Life of its Associates.


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