Saturday, August 22, 2009

Repair Faux Leather Couch



In certain work activities, for a person to perform work on minimum safety requirements must be equipped with what is technically called Team Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). According to the technical definition, it would cualquier equipo que estuviese destinado a ser llevado o sujetado por el trabajador para que le proteja de uno o varios riesgos que puedan amenazar su seguridad o su salud en el trabajo, así como cualquier complemento o accesorio destinado a tal fin (Directiva 89/686/CEE).

De acuerdo con esta definición, el calzado de uso profesional se considera un Equipo de Protección Individual (EPI) ya que está destinado a ofrecer protección contra los riesgos derivados de la realización de una actividad laboral. Durante el desarrollo de su actividad los pies de trabajador y, a través de ellos, todo el cuerpo, están expuestos a riesgos de diversa índole como lesiones producidas por agentes externos o discomfort associated with wearing shoes initially inadequate or has lost some properties with use.

According to a mandatory European Directive (89/686/EEC), footwear for professional use, as well as any personal protective equipment properly certified, it must be marked with the CE along with basic information such as height, make, protection offered, etc. Furthermore, it should be accompanied by a prospectus which clearly collect information about the manufacturer, applied standards, and maintenance instructions, use limitations, an organization that certifies the EPI, etc.
Institute Footwear Technology (INESCOP) since 1993 inspection body accredited by the then Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism for the certification procedures under the European Directive on personal protective equipment for foot and attacks against mechanical shock physical. Since that time have been under review and have been certified about 1,300 footwear models with different levels of protection.

footwear for professional use are classified broadly into two categories: footwear with leather and other materials (textiles, polymers) and all rubber shoes (vulcanized) or any polymer (mold). Within each of these classes can find different types of footwear for professional use with the level of protection provided to the user.

safety footwear must incorporate safety cap or toe, according to the basic requirements of the standard EN ISO 20345:2004 to ensure sufficient protection against impact, with an equivalent energy of 200J at the time shock, and in front sag under a load of 15kN.

can also incorporate one or more additional security features, among which are, for example, puncture resistance, water resistance and electrical properties as Full footwear, the penetration and water absorption in the forefoot, and the contact heat resistance and oil resistance in the sole of the shoe.

safety footwear will be needed to protect workers in all those activities involving a risk of severe impact or understanding in the forefoot, additional features may be needed depending on the risks associated with the activity to develop. Its use will be mandatory in certain tasks in sectors such as construction, metallurgy, quarrying, mining, loading and unloading of goods, fire brigade.

Protective footwear is stops to be made to protect and meet the basic requirements in standard EN ISO 20346:2004. Protection caps must meet the requirements of impact resistance with an energy level of 100J and resistance to compression with a compression load of 10kN. Can incorporate one or more additional security features are the same as may have safety shoes.

toe impact resistance protection

This type of footwear will be needed to protect workers in all those activities which carry a slight risk of impact or compression on the front foot, additional features may be needed depending on the risks associated with the activity to develop. Its use will be mandatory in certain tasks in areas such as loading and unloading goods, transport, services, etc.

work footwear must meet the basic requirements set out in EN ISO 20347:2004. You can incorporate one or more additional security requirements and does not include impact protection bumpers in the tip. Additional protection features are the same that may have safety shoes. This type of footwear will be needed to protect workers in all those activities that do not involve in principle risk of impact or compression in the forefoot, additional features may be needed depending on the risks associated with the activity to develop. Its use is recommended in certain sectors such as healthcare, hospitality, laboratories, food industry, standardization (airlines, etc ...), large companies.

Puncture resistance of plant protection


From the standpoint of the worker is of vital importance to know the meaning of markup that appears in the shoe and to ensure protection against the risks that is exposed.

A worker who is on site, is at risk of falling materials or crushed, hence the need for safety footwear at least the basic features (SB). Where there is also risk of injury should incorporate needle puncture resistant plants, marked as P, S3 and S5. If the work is carried out in wet environments, footwear must provide water resistance (WR or WRU).

Outsoles Contact heat

Resistencia a la flexión de la suela stations in the recommended safety footwear must provide the basic framework SB, along with antistatic properties 89/686/EEC and slip resistance.

in the activities which require the handling of chainsaws should use a type of footwear that presents a specific protection against cuts (UNE-EN ISO 17249:2005 which is indicated in the shoe together with the corresponding pictogram) . In addition, it should provide protection against slippage and, if the shoe is used in wet environments, must be resistant to water (WR or WRU).
There is a specific standard footwear for firefighters (EN 15090:2006). It takes over all properties should offer this type of footwear that are, among others, ceilings and floors for protection, endurance Slip, heat, flame and water. This standard, along with the pictogram should be marked on the shoes.

When choosing a team of foot protection will be essential to have a broad knowledge of the job and its environment. That is why the choice should be based on the study and evaluation of risks in the workplace. This includes the duration of exposure to the risks, their frequency and severity of conditions at work and the type of injury caused. Therefore, the choice must be performed by trained and in the election process, will be crucial participation and collaboration of the worker.
addition to the footwear needs to fulfill its protective function, should provide sufficient comfort and ergonomics during the period of work, should be considered some key features of your choice:

➠ proper fit, because this is the factor key comfort. An improper fit can cause problems in use and even injury. ➠
breathable materials (except in specific footwear for water, all plastic or rubber) since the accumulation of heat inside the shoe, and also produces heat sensation, can lead to bad smells and even danger of fungal infections.
➠ flexibility and lightness, because a heavy and too stiff shoe can affect foot function and cause fatigue when walking.
➠ A good locking system that ensures the correct position of the foot inside the shoe during the development of the user's normal activity, without inferring the function of the foot.

Bond Strength cut floor

➠ An appropriate template, favoring a good absorption of impact energy and an appropriate distribution of plantar pressures. ➠
No points that cause discomfort or abrasions, such as seams, wrinkles and other irregularities inside
➠ High slip resistance, which provides sense of security when walking to avoid injury and falls

footwear for professional use should be able to withstand numerous actions and influences in a manner that ensures its lifetime required protection function, a life closely related to employment conditions and quality of maintenance. Therefore, this type of footwear should include a brochure with detailed instructions on how to do it. It is very important to remember that this is a type of shoe that should ensure a certain protection, so that when notice any deterioration such as cracks on the sole or toe abnormalities, should be repaired or discarded.

Pascual Martínez Ibáñez. Degree in chemistry. Head of Quality
INESCOP Coauthor: M ª José Gascón Tárraga. Degree in Chemistry. Technical certification INESCOP


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