The "Katrina cough" caused by breathing mold, is one of the cases in which ineffective protection has caused health problems for operators. So Similarly, after the 11-S, about 70% of rescue workers suffered lung problems last time. Some 40,000 workers were exposed to gases loaded nickel, titanium and cadmium, and indeed, some of them sued the New York City after suffering cancer and sinusitis.
Emergencies can explode at any moment and require training as deep as if they had rehearsed for years. Even qualified personnel such as firefighters and doctors, may be overwhelmed by circumstances, and of course volunteers will lend a hand. It is therefore essential to be clear about the measures to be taken. Assess the risks
first thing after an emergency blow is to assess the probability of each of the risks which may include rescue teams and the consequences of their exposure to select personal protective equipment (PPE) appropriate.
For instance, in the case of flood hazards can be found as follows:
➠ sewer overflow drag household and industrial chemicals, bacteria and viruses from human remains. ➠
Flooding near industrial areas cause the water to become contaminated with chemicals. ➠
contact with stagnant water causing symptoms such as stomach pain, fever, vomiting and diarrhea caused by bacteria. ➠
fallen cables can electrify metal objects such as fences and stairs and thus cause electrocution and burns if not used appropriate PPE, the helmet to boots.
addition, emergency situations are volatile. This means that at first the workers are exposed to risks of unknown nature, then these are more defined and as time passes and begin reconstruction, the type and severity change. For this reason, we must maintain alertness at all times and, if necessary, consult the manufacturer to require additional data. Instruct personnel
Many people who work in disaster assistance are part-time employees and volunteers who are inexperienced or have varying degrees of knowledge. Therefore, we must explain in detail how to properly use the equipment.
This adds another difficulty is characteristic of emergency situations: the availability of sizes. As far as possible, we must take care that each person receives the proper equipment and are uncomfortable if it removed or modified so it will affect their level of protection. Clothing areas such as elbows, knees and groin can tear easily, so that divers should not be too tight at these points.
Choosing appropriate clothing
Operators should wear long sleeves and long trousers, boots, eye protection and helmet. In general, it is preferable to use disposable clothing to avoid spreading infection.
The choice of the diver must take into account the size of the particles are potentially dangerous to choose the clothing with adequate porosity. For example, when the stakes are contaminated liquids diver will use a type 3 (EN14605), if the hazard is chemical spills will have to choose one of type 6 (EN13034), a radioactive particle EN1073-2, biohazard EN1426 ...
an addition, should take into account a number of recommendations:
➠ The integral hoodies, used in conjunction with boots with socks, are most effective in preventing liquid. ➠
lid seams enhance protection.
➠ A microporous breathable intermediate layer attenuates the effects of heat stress, which can cause fainting or reduce the performance of operators. Symptoms include rashes, cramps, exhaustion and heat stroke. ➠
To avoid the stress caused by cold, wear several layers must be windproof and waterproof clothing, and must be changed immediately after work is completed. The symptoms are pain and numbness in the limbs, excessive fatigue, chills, drowsiness and irritability. We recommend working together to detect these symptoms in the partner. ➠
Footwear should also provide protection in accordance with the diver used (water resistance, cut protection ...). Protect
Respiratory protection should also be adequate to the risks. Recently it has been known that two years after the sinking of the Prestige, occurred in 2002 - the fishermen who had worked in the cleanup still suffering coughs, chronic sputum, breathing problems at night and runny nose. The masks they used to smooth the effects of pollution, but not completely avoided.
EN149: 2001 defines the ability to filter masks, for example, a filter FFP3 99% of liquid and solid particles, and also calls for the elimination of the test load of 120 mg. to ensure performance with a high density of particles. Depending on the severity of the risks, we must choose a level of protection or another and with certain benefits. For example, masks with a layer of activated charcoal filter organic vapors and leading valve facilitate the worker's breathing. What we must not ever use in hazardous atmospheres are one rubber masks like those used in cases of hay fever.
Respiratory protection is one of the most delicate, since according to the nature of the disaster may require continuous changes. For example, at first it may be necessary for protection against gases and in the following days, as they move debris removal activities, change to a product to protect against exposure to dust generated by demolition and welding operations.
addition, masks are needed in many cases and not only in the most obvious as fire. For example, in cases of floods, mold is necessary to protect wearing masks and safety goggles. The safety goggles are preferable to the security when there is an abundance of particles in the environment because they prevent airborne particles to the eyes.
In other cases, the risk of splashing of body fluids and feces, can be used full face mask or a combination of mask and eye protection (preferably safety goggles with indirect ventilation goggles face). Safeguard
hands of cuts and infections
must also choose gloves as deemed risks. This is not always easy, sometimes you have to prevent cuts caused by flying debris or bone fragments while avoiding contact with human or animal remains and fecal material, as in cases of floods. This can be advisable to use two gloves, a heavy duty and other waterproof underneath.
hand protection is vital, as cutting waste they can cause injury and infection, and cause tetanus if they come into contact with contaminated fluids. In addition, blood and tissues and bodily fluids are a potential source of diseases including hepatitis B and C and HIV. Infection can occur by cutting, through mucous membranes (eye, nose, mouth) and skin problems with rashes and abrasions. For this reason, cuts or wounds should be covered with bandages and protected with impervious gloves such as nitrile.
The rule establishes criteria EN374 splash and permeation of twelve chemicals, the numbers present in the symbol indicate the level of protection. The resistance values \u200b\u200bEN388 mechanical factors (abrasion, cut, tear and puncture) and based on risk assessment, lifting debris, for example, will have to choose one model or another.
addition, proper use of gloves means considering the following factors:
➠ If feasible, avoid latex gloves because its use may develop allergies, instead, can be used nitrile.
➠ Under conditions of humidity and heat, a cotton lining helps prevent dermatitis and rashes. ➠
non-disposable gloves should be cleaned with soap and clean water and dry between uses.
➠ When removing contaminated gloves, be careful to avoid splashing the face of other people or skin. Should also wash their hands with soap or alcohol-based cleaner afterwards.
decontaminate equipment
To decontaminate and remove PPE, must start with the most contaminated equipment and respiratory protection is not removed until the rest of the clothing has been left in place by itself. Later, we wash our body parts that were previously covered by the teams.
hands are a source of spread of infection. Thus, we must maintain good hygiene to prevent transmission of diarrhea and other diseases caused by fecal substances that may have touched, so you have to wash them with soap and water or an alcohol-based cleaner immediately after removing gloves.
In all cases, we must rely on expert supervision and consultation to the manufacturer when necessary to prevent evils which today can be prevented with the correct choice of PPE.
Lorraine Griffith. Marketing Manager Kimberly-Clark Professional
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