Industrial accidents affect the productivity of the company and it seems that employers are not aware of the costs of workplace accidents in their income statements.
If we consider the data offered by the statistics, falls from height are one of the main problems with which we face in the world of job security. Are the leading cause of death by accident in Spain, if we do not consider accidents 'in itinere', while making nearly 10% of accidents with low, ranking fourth among the causes that produce the greatest number of accidents.
bottom line is that the company evaluate the risks and take preventive measures.
safety in any work activity, past the proper work procedure and specific training of workers for each situation.
few minutes to start a job can be, according to what we are engaged in, a waste of time or a standard of conduct helpful. If you are dedicated to analyzing, if all you need is right and all "necessary" are in place and ready to start work, will be an excellent standard of prevention.
We begin this reflection with particular attention to the principles of preventive action, as enshrined in Article 15 of the LPRL, this is a good start. Check
Once we have verified that the risks are unavoidable and we have evaluated the risk, determine the most appropriate type of protection, taking measures that put the collective over individual protection. This choice is we value the number de personas involucradas, la duración de la intervención y la frecuencia con la que la realicemos. Como norma general podemos tomar como referencia que cuando hay muchas personas involucradas, la duración de la intervención es larga o la frecuencia de la realización de los trabajos es grande, entonces nos esforzaremos en adoptar protecciones colectivas; por el contrario, si las personas involucradas son pocas, la duración de la intervención es corta o la frecuencia es pequeña, entonces es justificable la adopción de protecciones individuales con personal debidamente formado para la operación a realizar.
Este análisis es orientativo y no vinculante; en la gran mayoría de los casos la protección consists of optimal collective protection associated with personal protection and training of workers. We consider in this section that overprotection is in itself an added risk, so that protection should be fair and appropriate.
Using personal protection
The next step is to take proper control of access to risk areas, restricting access to them to unauthorized persons, handling procedures for access permissions and allowing access only properly trained and accredited.
perfectly sealed off the work area and access to it, properly signposted with whatever measures are necessary: \u200b\u200bsafety colors, signs in the form of panel, light signals, sound and gestural and, of course, adequate and clear verbal communication.
The following rule to adopt is to never lose sight of the three main points of the chain of security protection: make sure that the understanding of the body (safety harness), the union and fall arrest anchor point fit circumstances.
have to re-emphasize that staff must be properly trained for the purpose of proper use of the solution.
The understanding of the body is made with a fall arrest harness as the standard CE EN361 certified or harness type of seat to work on suspension, according to EN813 standard with CE type. Suspended work are regulated by RD 2177/2004 in paragraph 4.1 of the Annex. The sport harnesses are excluded for the completion of the work covered by the subject LPRL belts and lanyards should never be used as fall protection items. A drop in vacuum belt is subject to fatal. Elements
Fall items must conform to the standard EN353-1 (Fall rigid anchor line) EN353-2 (Fall flexible anchor line), EN355 (item lifeline with energy absorber) and EN360 (retractable fall arrester), excluding any other. We pay special attention to a lot of clamping devices, sold in the market as a lifeline and they are not. These devices conform to the EN354 standard and are not Fall items and will not absorb the energy generated in the fall, transmitting this to the employee, potentially leading to serious internal injuries that, in case of fall.
EN795 regulates the minimum requirements of static and dynamic strength, which must have the anchor points.
anchor points of class B and class E will have to have its corresponding EC-type certification. Anchoring devices of Classes A, C and D have a different kind of consideration, the power installed them in different situations and facing reception. These devices will be supported by a certificate of compliance in regard to components and placing a note of calculating test or equivalent, signed by a qualified service, in terms of anchorage devices to the wall of reception. In case of opting for trials, of course these are not destructive, very difficult and expensive to make, when it comes to dynamic tests as the control and verification devices are not available to everyone.
All devices must comply with the provisions of European Directive 89/686/EEC (transposed to English legislation in RD1407/92) and identical to the personal protective equipment covered by the certificates
EC type given by the inspection body and subjected to the procedure referred to Article 11, Part B of the directive, under the supervision of quality control agency.
information for the proper use of work, additional preventive measures to be taken in occupational risks involving both normal use, as its Improper handling or use, maintenance and periodic reviews of the equipment will be provided by manufacturers, importers and suppliers of the same.
The employer shall ensure that the information referred to in the preceding paragraph are provided to workers in terms that are comprehensible to them. Reviews
regard to periodic reviews of lifelines and horizontal rails, it is essential to conduct the review in its entirety. Quite common to find devices placed on supports fixed to the inside cover of this (it cuts some of the coverage, fixing brackets the structure of the ship and then close the hole made, proceed to sealing). How is the verification of these anchors, main part of the system installed, if you do not have access to them? It is common, unfortunately, to meet installers emitting facilities review certificates without verifying the anchors, as they have no access to them by the configuration of the system. Additionally, this type of facility adds an additional risk to the deck, as it cuts its supports and coverage is totally weakened around each bracket. This has major incidence and severity of asbestos-cement roofs.
supports life-line for cement. Installation without opening or cut the deck. Compliance with the RD 396/2006 of 31 March, laying down minimum safety and health requirements for work involving the risk of exposure to asbestos.
In Section 3, paragraph 5 of this Royal Decree, it is presumed that a product is unsafe when: a.
The product or develop systems which are devoid of administrative authorizations or other preventive controls requirements established with the direct purpose of protecting the health and safety of consumers and users. In particular, when being forced to do so, the product has been put on the market without a corresponding 'EC Declaration of Conformity', the 'CE' mark or any other mandatory safety. B.
Lacks the minimum data identifying the producer.
Finally, said that Article 3, paragraph 3 of this Royal Decree indicates that when there is no mandatory provision of applicable law or this does not cover all hazards or risks of the product categories to assess their security, while ensuring the level of safety that consumers expect reasonably be taken into account the following elements: a.
National technical standards transposing European standards are not harmonized. B.
The European Commission recommendations setting guidelines on the assessment of product safety. D.
Codes of good practice on product safety in force in the sector, especially in its elaboration and adoption have been involved consumers and public administration. E.
The current state of knowledge and technology ..
be attached directly to the roof structure.
integrated energy absorber.
Solicitation on all axes.
total manufacturing in stainless steel.
according to CE EN795.
No leakage problems or water leaks.
seriously weakens not covered, by not having to cut it. Ease
periodic review: the light fixtures.
José Ángel Vicente, Product Manager Protection Systems
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