Wednesday, April 23, 2008

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Book Day:

Today is World Book and Copyright Day, and from our blog we ask that you celebrate by reading a book story, cartoon ... (finally! what you can think of) to the smallest. Needless

you to buy a book just read that you have at hand! Enjoy reading and sharing this time with the children of the house.
Because there's nothing like starting to teach children from young to know how to appreciate reading and a good book. To be an example to these little short, and nothing better to do at this age in which they copy everything!, And then make it a good habit for teens and the rest of his life.

So read!, But not just today but if you can.


Friday, April 18, 2008

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Porque los niños no comen verduras:

Because children do not eat vegetables:

If children were only included in the diet of potato and carrot in its first year of life, the older you get, the more it costs to accept other vegetables like broccoli, beans, spinach, celery, leeks and zucchini.

A study by the University of Birmingham has shown that babies who were not introduced variety of foods, increased appetite for developing beige food such as potatoes and chips, by contrast, babies who are I introduced all kinds of vegetables of all colors, developed a more proactive approach to eating all kinds of vegetables, and therefore, to have a varied and balanced diet.

Children often tend to sweet and savory flavors, but we can try to introduce sweet, sour and bitter.

"As sweet and wholesome foods are indicated pears, mangos, melons and strawberries are sweet carrots the parsnip, sweet peppers or canned pumpkin and, less commonly, sweet. Eat foods with touches
sour and bitter are the fruits like tangerine, red grapefruit (not yellow) and oranges yogurt with live bacteria or rye bread.
As acidic foods can be broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and olives.
The battle with food starts small and the most common mistake is to allow the "game food" becomes an emotional issue. Children often refuse to eat to break the authority of parents, if they win the game, enjoy the feeling of power given to them. Some experts
recommended that if the dish has not been touched after 20 minutes, you have to remove the table without comment. Eventually hunger will assume greater importance to the game and tactics soon forget.
Other experts say that has not ever use food as a punishment or reward. If you give your child a chocolate every time he behaves well, may require such a chocolate every time you behave well, and the conflict emerge.
Tips for children to eat all
-Emphasize words such as "is delicious!" Instead of telling your child how healthy is the food. Try
-all sitting at the table eating the same thing. If each person eats food different, the child also want their preferences are met.
-Lead by example. Children tend to copy what they see their parents do, make sure that the adult diet is balanced and varied.
- Do not use food as a bribe to another. If the child is promised French fries if you eat the salad, it is not providing a balanced diet.
-Involve children in food-related activities. Teaching books on the subject, explain how good they are food for the health graphic for children, take them to buy their vegetables, if you garden, plant vegetables with them, etc..
-Making fun the first time to try a food. Food testing kits can be enjoyable and fun.
-Use a paper tablecloth and take a few markers and crayons for children to draw what they eat.
-Draw pictures with food. Converts a mixed sandwich surprise package.


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Consejos para aumentar las posibilidades de quedarse embarazada:

Tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant:

Although many women get pregnant right away, usually this is not usual, since it may take one year, or even two, in getting pregnant!, from that date if all we have been unsuccessful attempts consult with our gynecologist because maybe we have trouble conceiving. But until then these tips are those that can implement and certainly help us achieve our goal!:

1-It is important to know your fertility cycle, and so we know what our most fertile days for know there are several ways:
1. The timing of ovulation: for it is necessary to take control of menstrual cycles to know when is our fertile period (if you have regular periods it is easier to find and that repeat every month with the same frequency, usually between 28 and 32 days, and on page Fertility Friend website you can create a free interactive ovulation cycle that can help you more control and know which is yours).
2. 2. Sympto-thermal method: a natural method based on variation in body temperature of women. Taking the basal temperature every morning at the same time by rectal or oral for 5 minutes, ovulation occurs on days you notice an increase of between 2 and 5 / 10. And always do it for two or three months prior to recognize your own variations.
3. Billings Method: is a natural regulation of fertility which is based on the observation of vaginal secretions. Depending its color and consistency teaches women to identify their most fertile days through cervical mucus even if it has regular menstrual cycles.
4. Test of ovulation: these devices for birth control can detect the period of ovulation by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine of women.

2 - The next step is sex, and most experts recommend we have sex one day before and one day after ovulation, as against what is usually thought to have sex every day or several times a day does not mean a greater chance of getting pregnant, but which is causing a deterioration in sperm quality. So the ideal frequency is to have them every 2 or 3 days (taking into account that sperm can survive in the vagina up to 72 hours).

3-The sexual positions, in this case the goal we seek is that the sperm penetrate as close as possible to the cervix, and for this we must consider what are the most effective sexual positions, being the star position " the missionary "(the woman down and man up), followed by the prayer (the man behind the woman or above) and finally lay side is also true with the man behind the woman. Finally! All others remain valid positions that ultimately promote deep penetration. 4-Tips

not scientifically verified, such as placing a pillow under your hips to elevate the pelvis or to remain lying down for an hour after making love to facilitate the travel of sperm to the egg, also will be useful.

5-obsessed and not be seeking pregnancy in peace and patience is essential, as we are in a competition and so we would get the opposite effect and would take longer to conceive. So Relax and enjoy the sex that will end up getting pregnant when you least expect it!.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Is Pooping A Lot During Pregnancy Normal

¿Estaré o no embarazada?:

I be pregnant?:

Whether you are looking for pregnancy, such as but these are early symptoms of pregnancy that you can experience:

The first sign and the most obvious pregnancy, women usually have a regular menstrual cycle is the lack of menstruation or amenorrhea. Although some women have a false rule occurs when the egg is implanted in the uterus (about a week after conception) and is characterized by vaginal bleeding pink or brown, painless, shorter than the rule .

Breasts can also be felt tender or swollen, due to come into play various hormones (prolactin, oxytocin, ...), but it is also normal in some women before menstruation.

Decreased blood pressure due to vasodilation produced by hormones.

lower abdominal pain and some swelling, but may also be due to the proximity of menstruation. You may notice

fatigue, apathy and even sleep that are caused by the body begins to produce more blood and the pulse increases, so the body demands more rest.

Frequency of urination for an increase of body fluids and later by changes in the uterus.

Nausea or morning sickness, which need not necessarily be in the morning!, And may be well with excessive salivation and even vomiting.

But as I have said on occasion, it is best to go to a gynecologist or doctor to head for us to perform blood tests to know for sure, but if you can not wait!, In the Pharmacy you can buy a test pregnancy (but remember that most pregnancy tests sold in the market are not accurate at an early stage of pregnancy, so some days or even weeks after conception the result may be negative despite being pregnant.)


Monday, April 14, 2008

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No existe relación entre el estrés y la preeclampsia en el embarazo:

There is no relationship between stress and preeclampsia in pregnancy:
not yet know what are the reasons that cause the development of preeclampsia and gestational hypertension in pregnancy, but are various theories that point to the male genes, the high level of protein HTRA1, lack of vitamins ....

Therefore a study in Holland, has come to find out the real cause of these gestational diseases, but to ensure that the causes that trigger preeclampsia are not related to the stress of the mother during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia need not pose any problem, if detected and properly controlled to avoid significant risks such as premature delivery, but if undetected can cause serious complications for both mother and baby.

According to a study of pregnant women can not do anything to prevent this gestational pressure rise, but at least thanks to him, we know that stress experienced by pregnant has nothing to do.


Saturday, April 12, 2008

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Increased cesarean delivery and reduced instrumental:

Increased cesarean delivery and reduction of instrumentals:

Recent studies on the delivery have come to reveal that nearly half a million children born each year, 73% of vaginal births, while 20% are performed by cesarean section. This has been corroborated by the World Health Organization (WHO) considers this figure as higher than is actually needed.

contrast, forceps births made only reach 7%, which makes us think that this practice will it fizzle out, as well noted by the English Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

What do you think the data from, do you think this is good? , Or would instead become doctors to be too impatient or easygoing, and are not willing to lose a lot of the time?, What do you think? ...


Thursday, April 10, 2008

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Girls are more likely to get lice:

Girls are more likely to get lice:

On school days these annoying stupid, make his appearance, and as recent studies have found that The girls suffer 70% more than boys.

Since when choosing your goal, lice prefer long hair to short, if you are whether you have the girls at home I recommend that collect any hair to go to school or daycare and also the cepilléis often with a nit comb.

The presence of head lice is easy to detect, since children experience a characteristic stinging and these tend to lodge in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neck and behind the ears as well if you pass the comb can be easily seen and nits lice. It is also advisable to avoid sharing combs, shampoos and lotions to use preventive and periodic review of the hair of the youngest in the house.
If you experience symptoms I recommend you to have patience, and you do a visit to pharmacy, since there I recommend the product that best suits you to remove them.


Tuesday, April 8, 2008

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temperature and infants: Alarming

temperature and infants:

After enjoying a few days ago a preview of the spring has gone cold!, And with so many changes in temperature poor babies and the not so young! resent fairly.

The ideal is to keep at home a constant temperature during the day, pediatricians recommend that between 22 and 24 degrees, and at night it down a bit keeping it between about 18 or 20 degrees, since babies are more during the day covered with bedding.

The problem we have many parents, among which I include myself, is that we tend to be overprotective of our children and we err on the side of caution and not be cold!, When in fact what we are doing is that baby boy or sweat too much, so fucking cold and therefore gets a cold or become ill. It is a matter which I believe will see over time, and inevitably catch a cold, especially if we are new parents!, But once we know what the temperature is ideal for our children just need to keep it constant!.

While heating is easy to get the hang, as thermostats and that ..., air conditioning is another story! And I recommend that we only useis to cool the room just before going to sleep, and that bothers them enough health and eventually got the opposite effect.

But above all I recommend you Trust ye in your instincts, and sure that you give to the ideal temperature for your baby!.


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

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excess sugar and saturated fats in some brands of cereal:

excess sugar and saturated fats in some brands of cereal:

A recent study by the consumer organization FACUA has come to prove that 9 of 10 grains have excessive amounts of sugar!, which is quite worrying, is not it?, as these are part of the daily diet of many children.

The above study has come to conclude that 155-grain varieties tested, we detected high levels of sugar in 134 products, excessive saturated fat in 25 of them and excessive levels of salt in 35 of the articles.

why I recommend that you read very well bring nutritional information cereal packets to will make sure that they are healthy and appropriate for your children. If you want to know more about the study clik on the road below.
