temperature and infants:
After enjoying a few days ago a preview of the spring has gone cold!, And with so many changes in temperature poor babies and the not so young! resent fairly.
The ideal is to keep at home a constant temperature during the day, pediatricians recommend that between 22 and 24 degrees, and at night it down a bit keeping it between about 18 or 20 degrees, since babies are more during the day covered with bedding.
The problem we have many parents, among which I include myself, is that we tend to be overprotective of our children and we err on the side of caution and not be cold!, When in fact what we are doing is that baby boy or sweat too much, so fucking cold and therefore gets a cold or become ill. It is a matter which I believe will see over time, and inevitably catch a cold, especially if we are new parents!, But once we know what the temperature is ideal for our children just need to keep it constant!.
While heating is easy to get the hang, as thermostats and that ..., air conditioning is another story! And I recommend that we only useis to cool the room just before going to sleep, and that bothers them enough health and eventually got the opposite effect.
But above all I recommend you Trust ye in your instincts, and sure that you give to the ideal temperature for your baby!.
Via: Entrebebes.com
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