I be pregnant?:
Whether you are looking for pregnancy, such as but these are early symptoms of pregnancy that you can experience:
The first sign and the most obvious pregnancy, women usually have a regular menstrual cycle is the lack of menstruation or amenorrhea. Although some women have a false rule occurs when the egg is implanted in the uterus (about a week after conception) and is characterized by vaginal bleeding pink or brown, painless, shorter than the rule .
Breasts can also be felt tender or swollen, due to come into play various hormones (prolactin, oxytocin, ...), but it is also normal in some women before menstruation.
Decreased blood pressure due to vasodilation produced by hormones.
lower abdominal pain and some swelling, but may also be due to the proximity of menstruation. You may notice
fatigue, apathy and even sleep that are caused by the body begins to produce more blood and the pulse increases, so the body demands more rest.
Frequency of urination for an increase of body fluids and later by changes in the uterus.
Nausea or morning sickness, which need not necessarily be in the morning!, And may be well with excessive salivation and even vomiting.
But as I have said on occasion, it is best to go to a gynecologist or doctor to head for us to perform blood tests to know for sure, but if you can not wait!, In the Pharmacy you can buy a test pregnancy (but remember that most pregnancy tests sold in the market are not accurate at an early stage of pregnancy, so some days or even weeks after conception the result may be negative despite being pregnant.)
Via: Entrebebes.com
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