Tips to increase your chances of getting pregnant:
Although many women get pregnant right away, usually this is not usual, since it may take one year, or even two, in getting pregnant!, from that date if all we have been unsuccessful attempts consult with our gynecologist because maybe we have trouble conceiving. But until then these tips are those that can implement and certainly help us achieve our goal!:
1-It is important to know your fertility cycle, and so we know what our most fertile days for know there are several ways:
1. The timing of ovulation: for it is necessary to take control of menstrual cycles to know when is our fertile period (if you have regular periods it is easier to find and that repeat every month with the same frequency, usually between 28 and 32 days, and on page Fertility Friend website you can create a free interactive ovulation cycle that can help you more control and know which is yours).
2. 2. Sympto-thermal method: a natural method based on variation in body temperature of women. Taking the basal temperature every morning at the same time by rectal or oral for 5 minutes, ovulation occurs on days you notice an increase of between 2 and 5 / 10. And always do it for two or three months prior to recognize your own variations.
3. Billings Method: is a natural regulation of fertility which is based on the observation of vaginal secretions. Depending its color and consistency teaches women to identify their most fertile days through cervical mucus even if it has regular menstrual cycles.
4. Test of ovulation: these devices for birth control can detect the period of ovulation by increasing luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine of women.
2 - The next step is sex, and most experts recommend we have sex one day before and one day after ovulation, as against what is usually thought to have sex every day or several times a day does not mean a greater chance of getting pregnant, but which is causing a deterioration in sperm quality. So the ideal frequency is to have them every 2 or 3 days (taking into account that sperm can survive in the vagina up to 72 hours).
3-The sexual positions, in this case the goal we seek is that the sperm penetrate as close as possible to the cervix, and for this we must consider what are the most effective sexual positions, being the star position " the missionary "(the woman down and man up), followed by the prayer (the man behind the woman or above) and finally lay side is also true with the man behind the woman. Finally! All others remain valid positions that ultimately promote deep penetration. 4-Tips
not scientifically verified, such as placing a pillow under your hips to elevate the pelvis or to remain lying down for an hour after making love to facilitate the travel of sperm to the egg, also will be useful.
5-obsessed and not be seeking pregnancy in peace and patience is essential, as we are in a competition and so we would get the opposite effect and would take longer to conceive. So Relax and enjoy the sex that will end up getting pregnant when you least expect it!.
Via: Entrebebes.com
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