Foods that help iron absorption in the intestine and help you mitigate the "anemia of pregnancy"
you ever been pregnant and suddenly in your first visit or after the gynecologist that connects you to suffer the so-called "anemia of pregnancy", so to try to get the blood iron nievel are again adequate, here are a few tips that I hope food help you:
Foods rich in vitamin C. It should take orange juice with iron supplements, or dress the meat, fish and vegetables with lemon juice to absorb iron better.
also good to have vegetables with peppers, tomatoes, or vegetables from the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) That are rich in vitamin C.
acidic foods like citrus fruits with ácidos málicos como la manzana, etc.
El ácido fólico y vitaminas B6 y B12. También mejoran la absorción.
Cocinar con sartenes y ollas de hierro colado. Las antiguas sartenes eran una fuente constante de hierro para los alimentos que se cocinaban en ellas, ahora se pueden encontrar sartenes y ollas especiales más modernas.
Alimentos ricos en proteínas. Las proteínas favorecen la absorción del hierro. Si se combinan alimentos vegetales ricos en hierro con otros ricos en proteínas como el huevo, la leche, la carne o pescado, mejora la absorción.
Alimentos que reducen la absorción del hierro y no se deben tomar con suplementos de hierro: Alimentos ricos en fitatos. Phytate appear on the cover of cereal granosde, absocion_de_hierro_salvado_de_trigo_163233652.jpegespecialmente in wheat bran in whole grains or whole grain breads and legumes. To avoid this, these foods can be left to soak overnight to hydrolyze the phytate or choose whole wheat bread leavened with sourdough.
Foods rich in oxalates. Found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, beets, rhubarb, and tea and dark chocolate. To avoid the low absorption, flavored with lemon juice vegetables and tea.
Foods rich in tannins. The tannins in tea, coffee, wine and chocolate reduce the absorption of iron, so you must wait at least an hour between dietary supplements or foods rich in iron and these tannins.
Too much of some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, lead, etc., Compete with substances that absorb iron and reduce its absorption. To avoid this should not be taking mineral supplements without medical advice.
Calcium from dairy, anti-acids, foods rich in fats, some food preservatives such as EDTA and iosvitina of egg yolk.
Via: Entrebebes.com
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