The flu is very contagious viral disease that primarily affects children and the elderly. Its duration is usually one week, if there are no complications, and usually must go to bed, so that school children tend to miss a week of class.
In Spain, the flu vaccine is not included in the vaccine schedule and doctors recommended that initially only be dispensed to children with chronic diseases or respiratory and those living with sick people to prevent getting sick. But the English Association of Pediatrics (AEP) has for several years insisting that this vaccine should be included in all calendars for healthy children older than six months.
In the U.S. it is standard practice while in Europe, so far, only Finland is the only one that included this vaccine in their immunization schedule for all children between six and 36 months of age.
The EPA insists that until this measure is implemented, for now must be aware of vaccination in children with disease risk and health professionals in contact with them, as currently the number of these people who are vaccinated is very low.
But to what extent it is advisable to vaccinate healthy children or babies?, There are many contradictory opinions, Is it so bad that healthy children go through this experience?, Do not you're protecting in excess and eventually making them weaker?, What do you think? ... So when in doubt, I recommend you do, in each case what you advise your children's pediatrician.
Via: Entrebebes.com
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