Sunday, December 28, 2008
Friday, December 12, 2008
Rugrat Go Wild Rescue Game

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Men Cruising In Miami
La AEP recomienda vacunar de la gripe a los bebés de más de seis meses y niños:
The flu is very contagious viral disease that primarily affects children and the elderly. Its duration is usually one week, if there are no complications, and usually must go to bed, so that school children tend to miss a week of class.
In Spain, the flu vaccine is not included in the vaccine schedule and doctors recommended that initially only be dispensed to children with chronic diseases or respiratory and those living with sick people to prevent getting sick. But the English Association of Pediatrics (AEP) has for several years insisting that this vaccine should be included in all calendars for healthy children older than six months.
In the U.S. it is standard practice while in Europe, so far, only Finland is the only one that included this vaccine in their immunization schedule for all children between six and 36 months of age.
The EPA insists that until this measure is implemented, for now must be aware of vaccination in children with disease risk and health professionals in contact with them, as currently the number of these people who are vaccinated is very low.
But to what extent it is advisable to vaccinate healthy children or babies?, There are many contradictory opinions, Is it so bad that healthy children go through this experience?, Do not you're protecting in excess and eventually making them weaker?, What do you think? ... So when in doubt, I recommend you do, in each case what you advise your children's pediatrician.
Via: Entrebebes.com

The flu is very contagious viral disease that primarily affects children and the elderly. Its duration is usually one week, if there are no complications, and usually must go to bed, so that school children tend to miss a week of class.
In Spain, the flu vaccine is not included in the vaccine schedule and doctors recommended that initially only be dispensed to children with chronic diseases or respiratory and those living with sick people to prevent getting sick. But the English Association of Pediatrics (AEP) has for several years insisting that this vaccine should be included in all calendars for healthy children older than six months.
In the U.S. it is standard practice while in Europe, so far, only Finland is the only one that included this vaccine in their immunization schedule for all children between six and 36 months of age.
The EPA insists that until this measure is implemented, for now must be aware of vaccination in children with disease risk and health professionals in contact with them, as currently the number of these people who are vaccinated is very low.
But to what extent it is advisable to vaccinate healthy children or babies?, There are many contradictory opinions, Is it so bad that healthy children go through this experience?, Do not you're protecting in excess and eventually making them weaker?, What do you think? ... So when in doubt, I recommend you do, in each case what you advise your children's pediatrician.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Monday, October 27, 2008
Wedding Inquiry Sample
Tras el parto, dile adiós a tu barriga:
After delivery, can one begin to recover, eating healthy first and then when your doctor gives you recommended to accompany exercise.
only need willpower and good habits, both food and physical!.
The only system to lose belly fat is to combine exercise and healthy diet low in calories
Liposuction is not the solution. This process removes only subcutaneous fat, no deep visceral fat that is truly dangerous to health. And if you continue with bad habits, the body returns to develop new deposits of fat.
should not be in a hurry. The faster you lose weight, the harder it is to keep the kilos lost. Further considering that the first kilos to lose too strict a diet predominantly from water, not fat. Only serves to starve disparar los mecanismos de reserva del organismo.
Olvídate de la comida basura. Bebidas carbonatadas, snacks, hamburguesas o golosinas aportan muchas más calorías que un buen menú con primero, segundo y fruta. Y desde luego resultan mucho más perjudiciales para el organismo.
Cuestión de matemáticas. Cuanto más se mueva uno, más calorías se estarán quemando y más fácil resultará adelgazar comiendo lo mismo. No hay que olvidarse de los ejercicios de fuerza, que potencian los músculos y hacen quemar más incluso cuando se descansa.
Lee las etiquetas. Busca las grasas sanas del pescado, los frutos secos y el aceite de oliva y huye de las grasas saturadas meats, cheeses and meats and hydrogenated fats so prevalent in the industrial bakery.
light dinner. The metabolism is slower at night and eat too much results in extra kilos and poor quality of sleep. At dinner, it is preferable to consume carbohydrates, easily digested (the minimally processed) and vegetables.
Start your day with breakfast. And keeping the metabolism running with small but frequent meals to keep hunger in check and avoid "binge" that occurs when you sit at the table hungry accumulated.
Via: Entrebebes.com

After delivery, can one begin to recover, eating healthy first and then when your doctor gives you recommended to accompany exercise.
only need willpower and good habits, both food and physical!.
The only system to lose belly fat is to combine exercise and healthy diet low in calories
Liposuction is not the solution. This process removes only subcutaneous fat, no deep visceral fat that is truly dangerous to health. And if you continue with bad habits, the body returns to develop new deposits of fat.
should not be in a hurry. The faster you lose weight, the harder it is to keep the kilos lost. Further considering that the first kilos to lose too strict a diet predominantly from water, not fat. Only serves to starve disparar los mecanismos de reserva del organismo.
Olvídate de la comida basura. Bebidas carbonatadas, snacks, hamburguesas o golosinas aportan muchas más calorías que un buen menú con primero, segundo y fruta. Y desde luego resultan mucho más perjudiciales para el organismo.
Cuestión de matemáticas. Cuanto más se mueva uno, más calorías se estarán quemando y más fácil resultará adelgazar comiendo lo mismo. No hay que olvidarse de los ejercicios de fuerza, que potencian los músculos y hacen quemar más incluso cuando se descansa.
Lee las etiquetas. Busca las grasas sanas del pescado, los frutos secos y el aceite de oliva y huye de las grasas saturadas meats, cheeses and meats and hydrogenated fats so prevalent in the industrial bakery.
light dinner. The metabolism is slower at night and eat too much results in extra kilos and poor quality of sleep. At dinner, it is preferable to consume carbohydrates, easily digested (the minimally processed) and vegetables.
Start your day with breakfast. And keeping the metabolism running with small but frequent meals to keep hunger in check and avoid "binge" that occurs when you sit at the table hungry accumulated.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Friday, October 24, 2008
Maybelline Mousse Concealer Dark Swatch
Cuando los niños tosen:
Cough is a symptom of disease and appears as a defense mechanism of the body to expel foreign particles or bronchial tree secretions.
Sometimes persistent cough may be causing sleep disruption, fatigue and vomiting and, although usually not due to a major illness can cause great concern to parents.
When the child has a cough should avoid self-medication. The cough is not a disease but a symptom, so that the child must be explored by the pediatrician to determine the cause of cough and prescribed treatment correct.
There are a number of general measures that may be useful in most children, such as humidify the environment, given plenty of fluids to thin secretions or congestion in the nose with saline.
In general, drugs cough suppressants (dextromethorphan, cloperastina, codeine, ...) should be used only in cases where the cough prevents sleep, food or induce vomiting.
Mucolytics generally have poor efficacy in the treatment of cough, we must avoid.
Different types of cough
disorders such as pharyngitis, adenoiditis and sinusitis caused an irritative cough, dry in winter, predominantly at night. Laryngitis causes
"barking" cough, hoarseness, stridor.
Asthma and bronchial hyperreactivity causes dry cough, shortness of breath, associated with exercise, fresh air, smoke snuff ... and occurs mainly spring.
Pertussis is characterized by dry cough, irritated, hits (5-10 coughs followed by an inspiration and "cock end") may be associated with vomiting.
There are many causes of cough. The most common are respiratory infections (common cold, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, adenoids increased, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia ...), allergic diseases (asthma, rhinitis ...), airway foreign bodies.
why I recommend that if your children cough for a few days without other symptoms that accompany it, you bear to visit the pediatrician or family doctor to take them out and rule out covert enfermadades.
Via: Entrebebes.com

Cough is a symptom of disease and appears as a defense mechanism of the body to expel foreign particles or bronchial tree secretions.
Sometimes persistent cough may be causing sleep disruption, fatigue and vomiting and, although usually not due to a major illness can cause great concern to parents.
When the child has a cough should avoid self-medication. The cough is not a disease but a symptom, so that the child must be explored by the pediatrician to determine the cause of cough and prescribed treatment correct.
There are a number of general measures that may be useful in most children, such as humidify the environment, given plenty of fluids to thin secretions or congestion in the nose with saline.
In general, drugs cough suppressants (dextromethorphan, cloperastina, codeine, ...) should be used only in cases where the cough prevents sleep, food or induce vomiting.
Mucolytics generally have poor efficacy in the treatment of cough, we must avoid.
Different types of cough
disorders such as pharyngitis, adenoiditis and sinusitis caused an irritative cough, dry in winter, predominantly at night. Laryngitis causes
"barking" cough, hoarseness, stridor.
Asthma and bronchial hyperreactivity causes dry cough, shortness of breath, associated with exercise, fresh air, smoke snuff ... and occurs mainly spring.
Pertussis is characterized by dry cough, irritated, hits (5-10 coughs followed by an inspiration and "cock end") may be associated with vomiting.
There are many causes of cough. The most common are respiratory infections (common cold, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, adenoids increased, bronchitis, tracheitis, pneumonia ...), allergic diseases (asthma, rhinitis ...), airway foreign bodies.
why I recommend that if your children cough for a few days without other symptoms that accompany it, you bear to visit the pediatrician or family doctor to take them out and rule out covert enfermadades.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Thursday, October 23, 2008
What Does Pinky Thumb Hand Mean
Alimentos que te ayudan a mitigar la "anemia de embarazada":
Foods that help iron absorption in the intestine and help you mitigate the "anemia of pregnancy"
you ever been pregnant and suddenly in your first visit or after the gynecologist that connects you to suffer the so-called "anemia of pregnancy", so to try to get the blood iron nievel are again adequate, here are a few tips that I hope food help you:
Foods rich in vitamin C. It should take orange juice with iron supplements, or dress the meat, fish and vegetables with lemon juice to absorb iron better.
also good to have vegetables with peppers, tomatoes, or vegetables from the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) That are rich in vitamin C.
acidic foods like citrus fruits with ácidos málicos como la manzana, etc.
El ácido fólico y vitaminas B6 y B12. También mejoran la absorción.
Cocinar con sartenes y ollas de hierro colado. Las antiguas sartenes eran una fuente constante de hierro para los alimentos que se cocinaban en ellas, ahora se pueden encontrar sartenes y ollas especiales más modernas.
Alimentos ricos en proteínas. Las proteínas favorecen la absorción del hierro. Si se combinan alimentos vegetales ricos en hierro con otros ricos en proteínas como el huevo, la leche, la carne o pescado, mejora la absorción.
Alimentos que reducen la absorción del hierro y no se deben tomar con suplementos de hierro: Alimentos ricos en fitatos. Phytate appear on the cover of cereal granosde, absocion_de_hierro_salvado_de_trigo_163233652.jpegespecialmente in wheat bran in whole grains or whole grain breads and legumes. To avoid this, these foods can be left to soak overnight to hydrolyze the phytate or choose whole wheat bread leavened with sourdough.
Foods rich in oxalates. Found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, beets, rhubarb, and tea and dark chocolate. To avoid the low absorption, flavored with lemon juice vegetables and tea.
Foods rich in tannins. The tannins in tea, coffee, wine and chocolate reduce the absorption of iron, so you must wait at least an hour between dietary supplements or foods rich in iron and these tannins.
Too much of some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, lead, etc., Compete with substances that absorb iron and reduce its absorption. To avoid this should not be taking mineral supplements without medical advice.
Calcium from dairy, anti-acids, foods rich in fats, some food preservatives such as EDTA and iosvitina of egg yolk.
Via: Entrebebes.com

Foods that help iron absorption in the intestine and help you mitigate the "anemia of pregnancy"
you ever been pregnant and suddenly in your first visit or after the gynecologist that connects you to suffer the so-called "anemia of pregnancy", so to try to get the blood iron nievel are again adequate, here are a few tips that I hope food help you:
Foods rich in vitamin C. It should take orange juice with iron supplements, or dress the meat, fish and vegetables with lemon juice to absorb iron better.
also good to have vegetables with peppers, tomatoes, or vegetables from the cabbage family (broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, etc.) That are rich in vitamin C.
acidic foods like citrus fruits with ácidos málicos como la manzana, etc.
El ácido fólico y vitaminas B6 y B12. También mejoran la absorción.
Cocinar con sartenes y ollas de hierro colado. Las antiguas sartenes eran una fuente constante de hierro para los alimentos que se cocinaban en ellas, ahora se pueden encontrar sartenes y ollas especiales más modernas.
Alimentos ricos en proteínas. Las proteínas favorecen la absorción del hierro. Si se combinan alimentos vegetales ricos en hierro con otros ricos en proteínas como el huevo, la leche, la carne o pescado, mejora la absorción.
Alimentos que reducen la absorción del hierro y no se deben tomar con suplementos de hierro: Alimentos ricos en fitatos. Phytate appear on the cover of cereal granosde, absocion_de_hierro_salvado_de_trigo_163233652.jpegespecialmente in wheat bran in whole grains or whole grain breads and legumes. To avoid this, these foods can be left to soak overnight to hydrolyze the phytate or choose whole wheat bread leavened with sourdough.
Foods rich in oxalates. Found in green leafy vegetables like spinach, chard, beets, rhubarb, and tea and dark chocolate. To avoid the low absorption, flavored with lemon juice vegetables and tea.
Foods rich in tannins. The tannins in tea, coffee, wine and chocolate reduce the absorption of iron, so you must wait at least an hour between dietary supplements or foods rich in iron and these tannins.
Too much of some minerals such as phosphorus, calcium, zinc, cobalt, cadmium, lead, etc., Compete with substances that absorb iron and reduce its absorption. To avoid this should not be taking mineral supplements without medical advice.
Calcium from dairy, anti-acids, foods rich in fats, some food preservatives such as EDTA and iosvitina of egg yolk.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Number On The Bottom Of Le Creuset
La llamada "dermatitis del pañal":
is a process with inflammatory skin rash in the diaper lining the small children. It has various causes, among other highlights:
prolonged occlusion and friction;
Excessive bacterial growth
Suffering from seborrheic dermatitis.
As is the case in which it occurred, there are three types of diaper dermatitis: Dermatitis
-primary eruptive skin irritation is seen with bright appearance that mimics a layer of varnish, and is easily macerated.
-based diaper dermatitis atopic or seborrheic, besides the usual positive family history for this condition, The lesions observed in other locations such as the face features, zones of articular extension, etc. It is not uncommon for there is a bacterial super-infection with blisters in which case the most frequent germ S. aureus.
-candidal dermatitis. Candida types are distinguished by their strong erythematous plaques that cause adjacent papules and pustules.
can you prevent
addition to the hygiene of the genital, perineal and buttock with water and mild soap, is necessary for the skin, after a perfect drying, exposed to air for a while. Lotions are an alternative to clean the dirty buttocks when soap and water are not handy as can occur in the case of travel, etc.
As can be treated
Treatment is different depending on the cause of dermatitis:
-Inflammation of the primary eruptive diaper dermatitis requires topical corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 1%). The nocturnal application of the "triple paste, and whose composition is: 10 g of Burow's solution to 1:40, acuafor 20 g and 30 g of zinc oxide paste, removing in the morning (if necessary) with mineral oil, can prevent maceration of the inflamed area.
-diaper rashes on bacteria infected should be treated with triple antibiotics topically.
"When candidal lesions are evident, are indicated nystatin or imidazoles, such as clotrimazole, likewise, be given oral nystatin to eliminate the Candida that affect the digestive system.
So it is best to consult your pediatrician for advice which is what your baby needs.
Via: Entrebebes.com

is a process with inflammatory skin rash in the diaper lining the small children. It has various causes, among other highlights:
prolonged occlusion and friction;
Excessive bacterial growth
Suffering from seborrheic dermatitis.
As is the case in which it occurred, there are three types of diaper dermatitis: Dermatitis
-primary eruptive skin irritation is seen with bright appearance that mimics a layer of varnish, and is easily macerated.
-based diaper dermatitis atopic or seborrheic, besides the usual positive family history for this condition, The lesions observed in other locations such as the face features, zones of articular extension, etc. It is not uncommon for there is a bacterial super-infection with blisters in which case the most frequent germ S. aureus.
-candidal dermatitis. Candida types are distinguished by their strong erythematous plaques that cause adjacent papules and pustules.
can you prevent
addition to the hygiene of the genital, perineal and buttock with water and mild soap, is necessary for the skin, after a perfect drying, exposed to air for a while. Lotions are an alternative to clean the dirty buttocks when soap and water are not handy as can occur in the case of travel, etc.
As can be treated
Treatment is different depending on the cause of dermatitis:
-Inflammation of the primary eruptive diaper dermatitis requires topical corticosteroids (hydrocortisone 1%). The nocturnal application of the "triple paste, and whose composition is: 10 g of Burow's solution to 1:40, acuafor 20 g and 30 g of zinc oxide paste, removing in the morning (if necessary) with mineral oil, can prevent maceration of the inflamed area.
-diaper rashes on bacteria infected should be treated with triple antibiotics topically.
"When candidal lesions are evident, are indicated nystatin or imidazoles, such as clotrimazole, likewise, be given oral nystatin to eliminate the Candida that affect the digestive system.
So it is best to consult your pediatrician for advice which is what your baby needs.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Friday, October 10, 2008
Fast Heartbeat After Eating Large Meal
Prevenir la espina bífida:
If you are thinking of becoming pregnant, asparagus is an excellent food because of its high folate content. This is an important vitamin to ensure proper development of fetal neural tube, especially in the early weeks of gestation. Folates are sensitive to heat, therefore, when cooking this food, do it with less aggressive techniques such as steaming or pressure cooker.
But you should not forget is to take a daily dose of folic acid when you think about getting pregnant, always consult your gynecologist!.
Via: Entrebebes.com

If you are thinking of becoming pregnant, asparagus is an excellent food because of its high folate content. This is an important vitamin to ensure proper development of fetal neural tube, especially in the early weeks of gestation. Folates are sensitive to heat, therefore, when cooking this food, do it with less aggressive techniques such as steaming or pressure cooker.
But you should not forget is to take a daily dose of folic acid when you think about getting pregnant, always consult your gynecologist!.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Bosley Hair Foam For Women
Consejos para prevenir las malformaciones genéticas:
tips to prevent genetic defects
An adequate supply of childbearing age reduces the risk of fetal malformations. The mother's situation preconception fertility conditions and the risk that their offspring have congenital malformations.
Given that malformations occur during the first twenty days of pregnancy when most women know they are pregnant and that about 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, it is appropriate nutritional guidelines directed to all women of childbearing age.
Women who have a nutritional deficiency before pregnancy is difficult for the excess at the beginning of the process and probably the problem that may arise from it, will continue or worsen hurting the course and outcome of pregnancy. In addition, numerous studies confirm that in absence of food rich in vitamins increases the risk of abortions, neonatal deaths and congenital malformations.
There are numerous studies that link the relationship between folic acid intake in the weeks before and after conception and decreased risk of having infants with neural tube defects (malformations of the spinal cord during embryonic or fetal ) and other congenital malformations.
Several studies such as that conducted by the Medical Research Council UK shows that at a low level of folic acid have an increased risk of congenital malformations. The approximate daily dose of 4 mg of folic acid during the periconceptional period (ranging from at least one month before pregnancy to occur late first trimester of pregnancy), reduce the risk of neural tube defects by 72%. Also, taking vitamins related to B12, folic acid helps reduce the risk of congenital anomalies in non-genetic.
Other studies have shown that 98% of women of childbearing age, do not meet the recommended intakes of folate and 30-40% provided figures showing a slight deficit at the blood. These data indicate that the situation Folic acid is clearly improved, it is desirable increase in vegetable consumption (natural sources of the vitamin) or foods fortified with it, such as cereals, which account for 45% of the recommended daily allowance Folic acid and its derivatives. This could lead to an appropriate level of folate in the diet of all women at risk of becoming pregnant.
folate-rich foods such as breakfast cereals, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, legumes, liver and green leafy vegetables, help to provide the necessary vitamin complex of adequate nutrition.
A good way to ensure the supply of folic acid is breakfast cereal fortified with folic acid, yeast and wheat germ, to bring more than 45% of the daily recommended amount of folic acid.
Via: Entrebebes.com

tips to prevent genetic defects
An adequate supply of childbearing age reduces the risk of fetal malformations. The mother's situation preconception fertility conditions and the risk that their offspring have congenital malformations.
Given that malformations occur during the first twenty days of pregnancy when most women know they are pregnant and that about 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, it is appropriate nutritional guidelines directed to all women of childbearing age.
Women who have a nutritional deficiency before pregnancy is difficult for the excess at the beginning of the process and probably the problem that may arise from it, will continue or worsen hurting the course and outcome of pregnancy. In addition, numerous studies confirm that in absence of food rich in vitamins increases the risk of abortions, neonatal deaths and congenital malformations.
There are numerous studies that link the relationship between folic acid intake in the weeks before and after conception and decreased risk of having infants with neural tube defects (malformations of the spinal cord during embryonic or fetal ) and other congenital malformations.
Several studies such as that conducted by the Medical Research Council UK shows that at a low level of folic acid have an increased risk of congenital malformations. The approximate daily dose of 4 mg of folic acid during the periconceptional period (ranging from at least one month before pregnancy to occur late first trimester of pregnancy), reduce the risk of neural tube defects by 72%. Also, taking vitamins related to B12, folic acid helps reduce the risk of congenital anomalies in non-genetic.
Other studies have shown that 98% of women of childbearing age, do not meet the recommended intakes of folate and 30-40% provided figures showing a slight deficit at the blood. These data indicate that the situation Folic acid is clearly improved, it is desirable increase in vegetable consumption (natural sources of the vitamin) or foods fortified with it, such as cereals, which account for 45% of the recommended daily allowance Folic acid and its derivatives. This could lead to an appropriate level of folate in the diet of all women at risk of becoming pregnant.
folate-rich foods such as breakfast cereals, brewer's yeast, wheat germ, legumes, liver and green leafy vegetables, help to provide the necessary vitamin complex of adequate nutrition.
A good way to ensure the supply of folic acid is breakfast cereal fortified with folic acid, yeast and wheat germ, to bring more than 45% of the daily recommended amount of folic acid.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Thursday, October 2, 2008
How To Add Cheats To Gpsphone From Cyberduck
¿Niño o Niña?
Want a child?
A study in the United Kingdom, involving 740 pregnant women who did not know the sex of their baby, they were asked to keep records of their eating habits before and during early pregnancy. Participants were divided into three groups based on number of calories consumed daily during the period of conception.
The results showed that 56% of women in the group with the highest consumption of colorimeter had baby boys, compared with 45% in the group of lower calories.
Women who had children in addition to eating more calories also said to have fed on a wider variety of nutrients, including potassium, calcium and vitamins C, E and B12.
The researchers also found a link between women who had children and who used to breakfast cereals. However, skipping breakfast is now a common habit in the world desarrollado, cuando no se toma desayuno, dicen los expertos, se reducen los niveles de glucosa en el cuerpo, lo que puede conducir al nacimiento de niñas.
Según los científicos en los últimos 40 años ha habido una reducción de cerca de uno por cada 1000 nacimientos anuales, en la proporción de varones que nacen en los países industrializados.
Los investigadores piensan que este estudio podría explicar porqué en los países desarrollados, donde las mujeres jóvenes optan hoy en día por consumir pocas calorías, la proporción de nacimientos de varones está disminuyendo. Además, este mecanismo nos ofrece evidencia de que existe un mecanismo ‘natural’ which gives the mother the possibility to control with diet, the sex of your baby.
Scientists do not exactly know what are the mechanisms that control this process. But research by in vitro fertilization have shown that high glucose levels stimulate the growth and development of male embryos while inhibiting female ones.
Experts say that playing with the diet and eating too many calories is a good preparation for conception. The best thing is to eat a balanced diet, physical exercise and not smoking or consuming alcohol.
The study, conducted by researchers from the universities of Exeter and Oxford, England, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences).
Via: Entrebebes.com

Want a child?
A study in the United Kingdom, involving 740 pregnant women who did not know the sex of their baby, they were asked to keep records of their eating habits before and during early pregnancy. Participants were divided into three groups based on number of calories consumed daily during the period of conception.
The results showed that 56% of women in the group with the highest consumption of colorimeter had baby boys, compared with 45% in the group of lower calories.
Women who had children in addition to eating more calories also said to have fed on a wider variety of nutrients, including potassium, calcium and vitamins C, E and B12.
The researchers also found a link between women who had children and who used to breakfast cereals. However, skipping breakfast is now a common habit in the world desarrollado, cuando no se toma desayuno, dicen los expertos, se reducen los niveles de glucosa en el cuerpo, lo que puede conducir al nacimiento de niñas.
Según los científicos en los últimos 40 años ha habido una reducción de cerca de uno por cada 1000 nacimientos anuales, en la proporción de varones que nacen en los países industrializados.
Los investigadores piensan que este estudio podría explicar porqué en los países desarrollados, donde las mujeres jóvenes optan hoy en día por consumir pocas calorías, la proporción de nacimientos de varones está disminuyendo. Además, este mecanismo nos ofrece evidencia de que existe un mecanismo ‘natural’ which gives the mother the possibility to control with diet, the sex of your baby.
Scientists do not exactly know what are the mechanisms that control this process. But research by in vitro fertilization have shown that high glucose levels stimulate the growth and development of male embryos while inhibiting female ones.
Experts say that playing with the diet and eating too many calories is a good preparation for conception. The best thing is to eat a balanced diet, physical exercise and not smoking or consuming alcohol.
The study, conducted by researchers from the universities of Exeter and Oxford, England, published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences).
Via: Entrebebes.com
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Sillas para practicar deporte con bebés y niños
if you are of those who do not give up sports or with infants or children in tow!, No doubt this is your chair.
And I do not have excuses for not playing sports and getting in shape after childbirth, in the case of women, and no longer worth abandons the "tumbing" for the case of recent parents.
Chariot chairs, a very specialized brand in the industry, you can take the child in all circumstances with accessories.
With the help of several kits and accessories this chair allows moms and dads, athletes can take their children to ski the most challenging hikes, to make a Tour stage, running through any career field, kicking the highest peaks, and of course to take a relaxing stroll through one of our beautiful cities, making our children are part of these exciting activities.
Designed and manufactured in Canada with premium materials, this versatile chair is taken care of every detail for children, from infancy to 4 years, enjoy our hobbies comfortably and safely.
Via: Articulos.es

if you are of those who do not give up sports or with infants or children in tow!, No doubt this is your chair.
And I do not have excuses for not playing sports and getting in shape after childbirth, in the case of women, and no longer worth abandons the "tumbing" for the case of recent parents.
Chariot chairs, a very specialized brand in the industry, you can take the child in all circumstances with accessories.
With the help of several kits and accessories this chair allows moms and dads, athletes can take their children to ski the most challenging hikes, to make a Tour stage, running through any career field, kicking the highest peaks, and of course to take a relaxing stroll through one of our beautiful cities, making our children are part of these exciting activities.
Designed and manufactured in Canada with premium materials, this versatile chair is taken care of every detail for children, from infancy to 4 years, enjoy our hobbies comfortably and safely.
Via: Articulos.es
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Nadine -j E Milena Velba
itching to see the underlined title and then click Download. To return to the blog, pick <-, NO en le X pues se cerraría todo.
itching to see the underlined title and then click Download. To return to the blog, pick <-, NO en le X pues se cerraría todo.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Where Is The Price Of Corn Going
the total fidelity to the publication of the newsletter, insert here the pages converted to images. To facilitate reading, nibbling on the desired page. To exit and return to her blog, sting in <= Atrás (top left of the screen, second bar), no sting in the X, because it close down the blog.
the total fidelity to the publication of the newsletter, insert here the pages converted to images. To facilitate reading, nibbling on the desired page. To exit and return to her blog, sting in <= Atrás (top left of the screen, second bar), no sting in the X, because it close down the blog.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008
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Book Day:
Today is World Book and Copyright Day, and from our blog we ask that you celebrate by reading a book story, cartoon ... (finally! what you can think of) to the smallest. Needless
you to buy a book just read that you have at hand! Enjoy reading and sharing this time with the children of the house.
Because there's nothing like starting to teach children from young to know how to appreciate reading and a good book. To be an example to these little short, and nothing better to do at this age in which they copy everything!, And then make it a good habit for teens and the rest of his life.
So read!, But not just today but if you can.
Via: Entrebebes.com
Friday, April 18, 2008
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Porque los niños no comen verduras:
Because children do not eat vegetables:
If children were only included in the diet of potato and carrot in its first year of life, the older you get, the more it costs to accept other vegetables like broccoli, beans, spinach, celery, leeks and zucchini.
A study by the University of Birmingham has shown that babies who were not introduced variety of foods, increased appetite for developing beige food such as potatoes and chips, by contrast, babies who are I introduced all kinds of vegetables of all colors, developed a more proactive approach to eating all kinds of vegetables, and therefore, to have a varied and balanced diet.
Children often tend to sweet and savory flavors, but we can try to introduce sweet, sour and bitter.
"As sweet and wholesome foods are indicated pears, mangos, melons and strawberries are sweet carrots the parsnip, sweet peppers or canned pumpkin and, less commonly, sweet. Eat foods with touches
sour and bitter are the fruits like tangerine, red grapefruit (not yellow) and oranges yogurt with live bacteria or rye bread.
As acidic foods can be broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and olives.
The battle with food starts small and the most common mistake is to allow the "game food" becomes an emotional issue. Children often refuse to eat to break the authority of parents, if they win the game, enjoy the feeling of power given to them. Some experts
recommended that if the dish has not been touched after 20 minutes, you have to remove the table without comment. Eventually hunger will assume greater importance to the game and tactics soon forget.
Other experts say that has not ever use food as a punishment or reward. If you give your child a chocolate every time he behaves well, may require such a chocolate every time you behave well, and the conflict emerge.
Tips for children to eat all
-Emphasize words such as "is delicious!" Instead of telling your child how healthy is the food. Try
-all sitting at the table eating the same thing. If each person eats food different, the child also want their preferences are met.
-Lead by example. Children tend to copy what they see their parents do, make sure that the adult diet is balanced and varied.
- Do not use food as a bribe to another. If the child is promised French fries if you eat the salad, it is not providing a balanced diet.
-Involve children in food-related activities. Teaching books on the subject, explain how good they are food for the health graphic for children, take them to buy their vegetables, if you garden, plant vegetables with them, etc..
-Making fun the first time to try a food. Food testing kits can be enjoyable and fun.
-Use a paper tablecloth and take a few markers and crayons for children to draw what they eat.
-Draw pictures with food. Converts a mixed sandwich surprise package.
Via: Entrebebes.com

Because children do not eat vegetables:
If children were only included in the diet of potato and carrot in its first year of life, the older you get, the more it costs to accept other vegetables like broccoli, beans, spinach, celery, leeks and zucchini.
A study by the University of Birmingham has shown that babies who were not introduced variety of foods, increased appetite for developing beige food such as potatoes and chips, by contrast, babies who are I introduced all kinds of vegetables of all colors, developed a more proactive approach to eating all kinds of vegetables, and therefore, to have a varied and balanced diet.
Children often tend to sweet and savory flavors, but we can try to introduce sweet, sour and bitter.
"As sweet and wholesome foods are indicated pears, mangos, melons and strawberries are sweet carrots the parsnip, sweet peppers or canned pumpkin and, less commonly, sweet. Eat foods with touches
sour and bitter are the fruits like tangerine, red grapefruit (not yellow) and oranges yogurt with live bacteria or rye bread.
As acidic foods can be broccoli, Brussels sprouts, zucchini and olives.
The battle with food starts small and the most common mistake is to allow the "game food" becomes an emotional issue. Children often refuse to eat to break the authority of parents, if they win the game, enjoy the feeling of power given to them. Some experts
recommended that if the dish has not been touched after 20 minutes, you have to remove the table without comment. Eventually hunger will assume greater importance to the game and tactics soon forget.
Other experts say that has not ever use food as a punishment or reward. If you give your child a chocolate every time he behaves well, may require such a chocolate every time you behave well, and the conflict emerge.
Tips for children to eat all
-Emphasize words such as "is delicious!" Instead of telling your child how healthy is the food. Try
-all sitting at the table eating the same thing. If each person eats food different, the child also want their preferences are met.
-Lead by example. Children tend to copy what they see their parents do, make sure that the adult diet is balanced and varied.
- Do not use food as a bribe to another. If the child is promised French fries if you eat the salad, it is not providing a balanced diet.
-Involve children in food-related activities. Teaching books on the subject, explain how good they are food for the health graphic for children, take them to buy their vegetables, if you garden, plant vegetables with them, etc..
-Making fun the first time to try a food. Food testing kits can be enjoyable and fun.
-Use a paper tablecloth and take a few markers and crayons for children to draw what they eat.
-Draw pictures with food. Converts a mixed sandwich surprise package.
Via: Entrebebes.com
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