Echale Your House Helps people in the Poorest Communities of Mexico to build and Improve Their homes. Echale individuos trains in construction skills, using local earth-proof materials Such as compressed earth blocks and construction Helps create micro industries in the communities. In Addition, Echale Offers Financial Literacy classes and partners with the Government to extend mortgages to Families. Nearly 26.000 homes built Have Been Through Echale. The micro-construction industries of Echale Have 130.000 jobs and generated 65 million dollars of Income
Check begins working on creating communities, first production units of social housing and providing training to the community, both financial education and in basic construction skills. Check the community helps to develop a credit union to provide savings and loans, also works with the federal mortgage company to allow community members Check to have your own home. Take promotes environmentally compatible solutions for housing, for example, build houses made of 90% with soil, and incorporate solar powered heating, biogas digesters and wastewater collection systems rain water. They have built about 26,000 homes by Check. Also, the construction process has generated 130,000 jobs and $ 65 million in revenue for those working in industry microconstrucción.
Hilde Schwab said the decision to reward Check: "Check model is confronting poverty in a versatile and reproducible. Generates job growth with microconstrucción industry, creates financial stability for the trust funds for the community and mortgages for self, and build social capital through these practices. "
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