Monday, May 31, 2010

Hiddee Blade Blueprint

"joint? ............. EDUCATION NEWS


KNOW TEST RESULTS 2010 / knowledge , already published the results test to know the website of the Ministry of Education, this test aims to measure educational levels of students in fifth and ninth grades.

The department of education at the head of Doctor Alejandro Tovar is conducting a series of workshops that are aimed to train teachers and principals and teachers in the use management for the project management methodology MGA2 instrument of national planning department for the development and viability of this project so they have an alternative to guide many of the needs that may arise in their institutions.


Colciencias - presents the work with educational institutions. Convention
COLCIENCIAS-Governor of Guaviare, 48 groups of children seed researchers (Colciencias waves), teachers, researchers, research lines: ecology, law, history. Waves
Colciencias and education secretary of the Department of Guaviare presented the report of work done with the various educational institutions of the Department, the institutions made the presentation of the work you have devoted much of his time and consistency. View the portal and participates in many of programs published in this website.

VISIT THE BLOG AND INTERACT IN THE AREA OF EDUCATION QUALITY The blog is a space where you will find important information that every day makes the secretary of education in the area of \u200b\u200beducational quality. As: annual reports, academic journals, courses, meetings, forums, workshops, photographs and the best you can be part of this blog and contribute to the development of this area of \u200b\u200bgreat importance to the opinion of the community and improving the quality of education, your opinion counts.

IACS 2010 commitments
The system of information management for quality education is the system that supports the process of Quality Management Colombian Educational Service, providing information in an accurate, efficient and timely manner, which can develop strategies and take decisions aimed at the continuous improvement of the quality of education across the sector and facilitate interaction among community members and government agencies. OBJECTIVES

ü IACS support the processes of quality management in SE
Educational Support
ü decisions (decisions more informed)
ü consolidate and organize information in a structured way
ü facilitate the delivery of information to control agencies and the Ministry of Education
help in improving performance in IACS BENEFITS ARE

• Provide information.
• Reduce the time to consolidate information.
• Improve operational efficiency.
• Traceability.
• Oversee the management of education.
• Access to information freely.
• Support the analysis and monitoring to PMI.
• Measure indicators.
• Consulting and compliance performance metas de los EE. .
• Facilitar la generación de estrategias
• Permitir a la SE programar asistencia para apoyar el desarrollo del PMI.

La Secretaria de Educación del Departamento del Guaviare informa A la comunidad en general que Mediante Decreto 093 del año 2010, se revocan los decretos N°074 y 076 del 2010, Por lo concerniente resuelven: Revocar el decreto 074. De fecha 22 de abril de 2010 en lo concerniente a la terminación de los encargos, nombramientos provisionales en vacantes temporales y definitivas aclarando que los nombramientos de los mencionados directivos docentes en periodo de prueba…. Más información entire document and resolve regarding the decree 093 Revoke the Decree No. 076 dated April 22, 2010, with the exception of interim appointments by the effects of competition on vacancies reported were appointed on probation ... More entire document.


Secretary of Education degree at the head of Victor Hugo Rivas Minister of Education, conducted the teacher's day celebration on Friday, May 14, event at the school Santander, which was present most of the masters of the municipality of San José del Guaviare, the importance of celebrating this important date was to exalt the work of teachers and encourage them to continue working for children and youth in the Guaviare Department who are the future. Photos of the event.

EDUCATION QUALITY The quality area and the Ministry of Education undertake the evaluation seminar aimed at teachers appointed by the 1278 decree on May 25 more information in the area of \u200b\u200beducational quality.

In the area of \u200b\u200bquality of the Ministry of Education, during the days of 24 to 28 May take place on supporting the process of articulation with the upper half and training for work.more information.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Na Dobre I Na Złe Online


Education Secretary Guaviare Department informs the community in general by Decree 093 of 2010, revoked the decree N ° 074 and 076 of 2010, so resolved concerning: Revoke the Decree 074. Dated April 22, 2010 regarding the completion of assignments, temporary appointments in temporary and permanent vacancies clear that the appointment of managers mentioned probationary teachers .... More full document and information concerning 093 solves the decree revoked, the Decree No. 076 dated April 22, 2010, with the exception of interim appointments by the effects of competition on vacancies reported were appointed on probation ... More complete document information.

The joint board of the ethics committees of the Senate of the Republic and the House of Representatives, is allowed to invite public participation in the call contained in Resolution N °. 21 April 6, 2010, by which begins the selection process to confer medals, "Luis Carlos Galan FIGHT AGAINST CORRUPTION" and "Pascasio PEDRO MARTINEZ OF ETHICS REPUBLICAN", that in compliance with the law 668 of 2010 and for the seventh time delivery ceremony the congress of the republic. Applications must be submitted from 8:00 hours (20) from April until 17:00 hours (9) July 2010 in the general secretariats of the ethical committees of the senate of the republic or the House of Representatives . More area of \u200b\u200beducational quality education secretary, Ó and receiving applications Senate ethics committee - Carrera 7 ª No. 8-68 - Office No. 235 Tel Ed New Congress: 3284250-3824263 Fax: 3824235 e-mail:

Secretary of Education degree at the head of Victor Hugo Rivas Minister of Education, conducted the celebration Teacher's Day on Friday 14 May, an event held in Santander, where the school was present most of the masters of the municipality of San José del Guaviare, the importance of celebrating this important date was to exalt the work of teachers and encourage them to continue working for children and young Guaviare Department who are the future. Photos of the event.

quality area and the Ministry of Education undertake the evaluation seminar aimed at teachers appointed by the 1278 decree on May 25 more information in the area of \u200b\u200beducational quality.


In the area of \u200b\u200bquality of the Ministry of Education, during the days of 24 to 28 May perform accompaniment middle joint process with superior training for work.more information.